New connection

In this window, you can specify the contents and the settings of a new content connection. A content connection corresponds to a memoQ project, and it contains a number of settings that control how memoQ or memoQ server creates a project from the connection.

A connection is very much like a project. You need to know what folders and files will be imported, how they will be exported, and what the languages are. A content connection always has a source language and one or more target languages.

How to get here

  1. Open the memoQ Content connector client program.
  2. Make sure you know all the details of the connection (or the underlying project):
    • The type of the source (file folder or Subversion repository)
    • The folder where all the documents are (if it is a folder)
    • The path and extensions of the files that need to be imported - and/or the path and extensions of the files that must not be imported.
    • Rules to produce the folder path and the name of the exported files.
    • Source language and target languages
    • In case of a Subversion repository, the network address of the repository, a user name and a password.
  3. At the bottom of the list, click New connection. The New connection window opens:


What can you do?

On the General Settings tab, fill in the boxes under Basic settings. Type a name and a description for the connection. Do not fill in the AuthID box: click fill / clear instead. A cryptic authorization identifier will appear in the AuthID box. The user of memoQ or memoQ server will have to use this ID to use the connection you are creating.

When you finish

Click OK to finish creating the connection. The memoQ Content connector client window returns. The new connection will be on the list.

Connect to your memoQ server. Create a new online project from a template, connecting to the new connection. To learn more, read Help about creating a new online project from a template.