Configure the Business Analytics service

memoQWeb' Business analytics feature has a background service. Before setting up the API, you need to set up this Windows service.

Don't make changes unless you have experience operating computer networks, and everything written here is clear to you.

Before you start

The Business Analytics service needs these products installed on the server machine:

How to get here

When you do this, memoQ server will already be installed on the server computer.

  1. Log in to the memoQ server computer through Remote Desktop.
  2. Open the Start screen or the Start menu: Press the Windows key.
  3. Type memoQ, and wait for the results to appear.
  4. In the list, click memoQ Server Deployment Administration.
  5. Windows may ask you to confirm to run the program. Click Yes or Run.
  6. The memoQ Server Deployment Administration window opens. You need the topmost section (memoQ server):

    memoQ server already installed window with advanced options selection

  1. Click Stop memoQ server. Wait until memoQ server stops.

  2. Click Advanced:

    dropdown list with server advanced menu options

  3. From the menu, choose Configure Business Analytics service (New). This window opens:

    User account selection window.

What can you do?

Choose a user account for the Business Analytics service

Under Service account, click Virtual service account. When memoQ server runs your programs, it will act like a user on the server. When you choose Virtual service account, memoQ server will run programs in the name of a user called the memoQ custom code execution service. Do not use a built-in account.

To not use business analytics: Click the Disable reporting service radio button. memoQ server will not collect data about projects or translation memories to create business reports.

Choose if you want to recent projects to include in business analytics

To start with an empty business analytics database: In the Settings section, keep the Add previous projects to the analytics database check box cleared.

To add earlier projects to the database, check the Add previous projects to the analytics database check box, and choose a time period from the dropdown.

Database time span configuration section.

Click Next to proceed with the installation.

A validation list appears. If every item has a green tick mark, click Next again.

installation completion window with information about previous analytics data and required API configuration

When you finish

When the You need to configure the Business Analytics API to get analytics data message appears, click the Configure Business Analytics API button. The Configure server window opens.