CMS Dashboard - Workflows

This page lets you view and manage the workflows used on the various CMS connections.

How to get here

  1. Start memoQ and sign in to a server.
  2. In the Project ribbon's Manage Project section, click the CMS Dashboard ribbon-cms-dashboard button.
  3. The CMS Dashboard window opens, with the Jobs tab active.
  4. Click the Workflow automation tab.


What can you do?

To switch to a different server: At the top right of the window, open the memoQ server dropdown, choose a server, and click the check mark button icon_selectserver at its right.

To see workflows for a CMS connection: Under Choose CMS connection, choose a CMS connection. The list of workflows appear under Automated workflows.

To add a new workflow to a connection:

  1. Under Choose CMS connection, choose a CMS connection.
  2. Under the Automated workflows list, click Add new workflow.
  3. Fill in the fields under Workflow details:
    • Type a name for the new workflow.
    • Choose its Source language.
    • Add Target language(s) as needed.
    • Choose the Project template you want to use.
    • To view information about the selected project template: click the links under Project template:
    • Naming patterns and hints shows how the project resources are named, and gives tips about how you should set them.
    • Review template settings opens the Template overview window.
    • Select a Project manager for the projects created with this workflow.
    • If the template has the Deliver to CMS automated action, the Delivery of completed jobs field shows when this action will occur.
  4. To create the workflow: Click Save. To not create the workflow: Click Cancel.

    To view or edit details of a workflow: Under Automated workflows, select a workflow. Change the details as needed and click Save.

To delete a workflow: Under Automated workflows, select a workflow. Click Delete selected workflow, and confirm the action.

When you finish

To return to the PM Dashboard: click Close.