Extend deadline

When you get an alert that a deadline is missed, you can extend the deadline for the user.

Project managers only: This works for online projects. You can't manage online projects from memoQ translator pro.

How to get here

  1. Open memoQ. But don't open any projects.
  2. In the Dashboard, go to your memoQ server. The list of online projects appears.
  3. Select the project that has problems. (In the list, it will have an alert sign on the left.) At the top of the list, click Alerts icon_alerts. The Alerts pane appears.
  4. Point to a "missed deadline" alert, and click the Change deadline icon_change-deadline icon. The Extend deadline window appears.


What can you do?

  • To give just one more day, three more days, or one more week: Click One day, Three days, or One week.
  • To give a different deadline, or to set an exact time: Type or choose a date and a time in the Specify the new deadline box. To get a date selector, click the down arrow on the right.

When you finish

To set the new deadline, and return to the Dashboard: Click OK.

To return to the Dashboard, and not set a new deadline: Click Cancel.