Discussions > (topic)

This page shows all the information about a topic.

How to get here

  1. Sign in to memoQWeb.
  2. On the left sidebar, click the Discussions icon-discussions icon. The Discussions page opens.
  3. In the list, click a topic. The topic's page opens.


What can you do?

To change the topic status: Click the current status. In the Topic status window, choose the new one, and click the Change button. Or, to discard your changes, click the Cancel link (or anywhere outside the Topic status window).

To open the related project, document, term base, or board: Under Related project, Related document, Related segment, Related TB, or Related board, click the link with the project's, document's, term base's, or board's name.

The Issue section shows the question or problem that the topic is about.

The Suggestion/answer section shows the solution that the author is proposing.

To receive emails about the topic's changes: Under the Suggestion/answer section, click the Follow button. To unfollow, click the Following button.

Check a setting in your profile: Make sure the Enable discussion-related e-mail notifications check box is checked in your profile's Settings page.

To star the topic: Next to the Follow button, click Make it starred icon-star. To remove the star, click Remove starred icon-starred.

To pin the topic: Next to the Make it starred button, click Pin topic icon-pin. To unpin, click Remove pin icon-pinned.

To move the topic: In the bottom right corner, click the Reorder discussions icon-reorderdiscussions icon. On the Move topic to pane, choose the new location, and click the Move button. To not move the topic, click the Cancel link (or anywhere outside the Move topic to window).

To edit the topic: In the bottom right corner, click the Edit discussion icon-edit icon. The Edit properties page opens.

To delete the topic: In the bottom right corner, click the Delete discussion icon-delete icon. A warning window opens. Check the check boxes, and click the Delete topic button. To keep the topic: Click Cancel.

To write a comment: At the bottom, on the Comments tab, write your comment into the text box. If needed, choose a new Status, and a username from the Assign to dropdown. To post the comment and apply the changes: Click the Add comment button. To discard the comment and the changes: Click the Cancel link.

To delete a comment: Click its Delete comment icon-delete icon.

To link a topic: At the bottom, on the Linked topics tab, click Link another topic. Choose a topic from the dropdown, and click the Link topics button. To return to the linked topics list: Click the Cancel link.

To delete a topic link: Click its Delete icon-delete icon.

To manage topic permissions: At the bottom, click the User Access tab.

To change the topic's permission type: Click the Change permission type link. Choose the new type and click the Save button. To discard the changes: Click the Cancel link.

To change a user's permission: In the user's row, click the Edit options icon-edit icon. From the dropdowns, choose the new permission and expiration date. Click the Save button. To discard the changes, click the Cancel link.

To delete a user permission: In the user's row, click the Delete icon-delete icon.

To add a user or group with permission: At the bottom, click the Add users/groups link. From the dropdowns, choose a user or group, their permission, and its the expiration date. Click the Add user/group button. To discard the changes: Click the Cancel link.

To see the topic's history: At the bottom, the History tab lists the topic's changes and actions, sorted by date.

When you finish

To return to the Discussions page: At the top of the page, left from the topic's name, click the Discussions link.