
On this page, you have access to the server level file system and the archives. If a project has automatic actions that export documents or resources, you'll see the exports here. Every project has its own folder. You have multiple options to manage these files and folders.

How to get here

  1. Sign in to memoQWeb as an administrator or a project manager.
  2. On the left sidebar, click the Files icon-files icon. The Files page opens.

Which projects are visible? Administrators see all the archives and exported files. Project managers only see archives and exported files that belong to active projects.

If there are no exported files or folders on the memoQ server, or the selected folder is empty, you will see this message:


For more information, click the Learn more about Files link.

What can you do?

Search for projects, folders or files

To search the list: Type something into the search bar above the list. Press Enter. If the text you typed can be found in some project's name, the list will only show those. To see the whole list again, click the X icon at the end of the search bar.

To open a project: Click its name. Once you open a project, you can search for a folder or file with the same method.

Learn details of a file or folder

The folder/file list gives you these details:

  • Name: The folder's or file's name.
  • Size: The folder's or file's size. To see a folder's size: In its the row, click the Calculate folder size icon-calculatefs icon.
  • Last modified: The date when the folder or file was last modified on.

To open a folder: In the list, click its name. You will see the folder's content.

To sort the list: Click a column header. To reverse the sorting order, click the same column header again.

To select a file or folder: In its row, check the check box on the left.

Download files or folders

To download a file or archive: In its row, click on the Download file icon-download icon. You can download the file in its current format or as a ZIP file.

To download two or more files or archives: From the list, select multiple files and click the Download as ZIP link. memoQWeb prepares a ZIP file, and you can save it.

To download a folder: In its row, click on the Download folder as zipicon-download icon. memoQWeb prepares a ZIP file, and you can save it.

To download two or more folders: From the list, select multiple folders and click the Download as ZIP link. memoQWeb prepares a ZIP file, and you can save it.

Delete files or folders

To delete a file or folder: In its row, click the Delete icon-delete icon. A warning window opens. Click the Delete file or Delete folder button.. To keep the file or folder: Click Cancel.

To delete two or more files or folders: Check their check boxes, and above the list, click the Delete link. A warning window opens. Click the Delete files or Delete folders button. To keep the files or folders: Click Cancel.