My tasks - Online tasks

This page shows the translation and review tasks that project managers assigned to you on the memoQ server.

Sometimes you see package tasks here, too: If your user on that memoQ server can receive both online and package tasks, your undelivered package tasks will also appear here. You can work on them without importing the packages into memoQ on your computer. Before you do this, ask your project manager.

How to get here

  1. You receive a web address (URL) from your customer. Open this address in a web browser. Normally, this will look like or
  2. Sign in with the user name and password you received from your customer.

    Faster after first time: If you open memoQWebTrans for the first time - or for the first time after a longer period -, it may take longer to open.

  3. If memoQWeb does not show the WebTrans page, click the WebTrans icon on the left sidebar. The WebTrans page opens, with the list of documents that were assigned to you in online projects.


What can you do?

When you finish

Close the browser tab where you opened WebTrans.