The result of term extraction is a list of term candidates. A candidate either becomes a term in a term base, or is dropped from the list.
The candidate list editor lists the term candidates in a table. The table contains the following columns:
- Status: Shows the status of the candidate. This column can contain one of the following values:
- Candidate: This is a candidate that was not hidden, dropped, or accepted. Intially, the status of all candidates is Candidate.
- Accepted: These candidates were accepted using the Accept link or the Ctrl+Enter key shortcut. Only accepted candidates are copied to the final term base.
- Dropped: These candidates are discarded from the list using the Drop link or the Ctrl+D key shortcut. Dropped candidates are sorted to the end of the list when you use the Re-sort now link or the Ctrl+R key shortcut.
- (number): Shows the position of the candidate within the list.
- $ (score): Shows how confident memoQ is that the candidate is a valid term. It is computed from the frequency and the length of the candidate. memoQ computes a higher score if the candidate or part of it was found in the term bases used in the project.
Note: The frequency of a word or expression is the number of times it occurs in the source text where candidates were extracted from.
- Length: The length of the candidate, in characters.
- Hides shorter: Each row contains an eye icon that shows whether or not all other candidates that are parts of this one are hidden. For example, closing the eye for the candidate "a common scenario" hides "common", "scenario", "common scenario" etc.). Click the eye icon to hide the candidates.
Note: Hidden candidates remain visible, but if you re-sort the list (using the Re-sort now link or the Ctrl+R key shortcut), they will be sorted to the end of the list.
- Source: The source term as it was extracted from the text. You can edit this cell. The Source row can contain additional information:
- Also: This candidate was merged with another, and now they form a single term base entry that has two or more source-language alternatives. The word Also: is followed by a list of alternatives.
- Original: This candidate was edited, and the source-language expression is not the same as the one memoQ extracted from the text. The word Original: is followed by the original candidate.
- Source example: An example showing how the term is used. You can type into this field. To copy the selected source segment from the Occurrences field: Click the Add source as example link or press Ctrl+S.
- Target: The target term. You can either type translations for the candidates. To add one from the Occurrences field: Right-click the occurrence, and from the menu, choose Add as Target. To make memoQ fill in the cells: On the ribbon, click the Look up terms now button.
- Target example: An example showing how the term is used. You can type into this field. To copy the selected target segment from the Occurrences field: Click the Add target as example link or press Ctrl+T.
By default, the list is sorted by status, then by score, then by frequency, and then in alphabetic order. This sort order means that accepted candidates are listed on top. These are followed by unmodified candidates (with the Candidate status), dropped, and then hidden candidates.
Within the same status, candidates are listed in a descending order by score. If two candidates have the same score (which is almost impossible), they are sorted by frequency (also in a descending order).
The candidates are always sorted by Status first. To change further sorting: click the column header you want to sort by.
Note: The Status field is not clickable. To sort the list by status after you accepted or dropped some candidates: click the Re-sort now link.