memoQ online project - Translations (subvendor)
In an online project, you manage the entire life of each document in the Translations pane of the memoQ online project window.
Different window if you are an administrator or a project manager: If your organization owns the memoQ server, and you are accessing the memoQ online project window as an administrator or a project manager, you will see a different window. To learn more, see Help about the main memoQ online project window.
When you receive work as a subvendor, you cannot import documents in the project. They will already be there. You can see the documents that were assigned to your group.
You can run preparations: pre-translation, analysis, maybe X-translation after you reimport a document from a new version. This depends on the workflow that you have with your client.
Preparation steps may be automatic: If the online project was created from a template, pre-translation and analysis usually runs automatically after a document is imported. To see the settings of the template: Go to the Overview pane, and click the Project settings tab. (This tab is available only after the project is launched, and runs on autopilot.)
Your main task is to assign each document to translators and reviewers. You can choose from users who are known to the memoQ server. On the document level, this is where you can watch the progress while the translation is going on.
Mind the languages: If your group was assigned documents in more than one target languages, you need to assign the documents separately for each target language. Choose the target language from the Target language drop-down box at the top right. Or, choose All languages there, and switch the list to Structure mode. Then you'll have a list for each target language.
When all tasks are completed on a document, you can export the translation from the list. However, when a document is delivered, the project manager also learns about it.
Export may be automatic, too: If the project is created from a template, memoQ server may automatically export the documents after the last task was done on them. To find the documents that were exported automatically, check the Files pane. The Files pane is available to the project manager only.
Normally, the Translations pane gives you a simple list of documents. Even in that list, you find detailed information on the document status, the assignments, the progress, the document versions. You can switch the list to Structure mode. In the Structure mode, documents are grouped by target language and folder (if complete folders were imported).
You can filter the list for documents that you need to see. For example, you can look at documents assigned to a specific user. Or, you can sort the list by deadline, document name or user role. Choose this from the Sort by drop-down box.
Requires memoQ project manager: You need the project manager edition of memoQ to manage online projects.
You need to be a subvendor group manager: To manage online projects in this way, you must be the first member of a subvendor group on the memoQ server. The owner of the memoQ server can create this group and add your account as the manager. As a first step, the owner of the server will contact you with the login details.
How to get here
First, open an online project for management:
- Log in to the memoQ server as a subvendor group manager.
- On the project management dashboard, find the project you need to manage. Search for the project if needed.
- Click the name of the project.
- On the Project ribbon, click Manage. A new memoQ online project window opens. In most cases, the Translations pane appears automatically.
- On the left, click the Translations icon. The Translations pane appears.
To view more details about the selected document, click Details above the list. The Details pane appears on the right:
The Details pane remains on. If you select another document, it will show the details of that document. If you select several documents, it will show the details that the documents have in common.
What can you do?
Important: When you are managing an online project, you cannot open a document by double-clicking its name. To view and edit document contents, you need to check out a local copy of the project. To check out a local copy of the project you are managing: On the Online Project ribbon, click Check out Local Copy. See the main topic for the memoQ online project window to learn how.
Cannot create or use views: In online projects, you cannot create or use views. This is why there are no tabs in the Translations pane of the memoQ online project window, and only the documents are listed.

In an online project, the document list shows the following information about each document:
- Name column: It shows the name of the document. If the Structure mode is on, this is where you see expandable groups of languages and folders. If a document has embedded objects, it can also be expanded, so that the embedded objects are shown below the document. If you are viewing all languages, and the Grouping mode is on, each document is an expandable group. If you expand the document name, you'll see each target language under the document.
- Document status icon: It can indicate whether the translation is in progress, or that the translation is complete, or that Review 1 is complete, or that Review 2 is complete. To learn the status, move the mouse pointer over the icon. memoQ will display the status message in a bubble.
- Progress indicator icon:
: The document is finished and delivered;
: Work has started on the document;
: The translator did not start working on the document.
- V: Shows the current version of each document. The first number shows the version of the source text. The second number shows the version of the translation.
- #: This column shows the number of segments, words, or characters in each document. You can choose which. Normally, memoQ shows the number of words.
To choose from Segments, Words, or Characters: Right-click anywhere in the document list. Point to Base progress on. From the menu, choose Segments, Words, and Characters. The change affects the entire project. (You cannot change the unit for just one document.) memoQ will use the count of your choice to display document sizes and to compute the progress on the documents.
- Target language: The three-letter code of the target language of the document (ger, hun, eng etc.)
- Progress: Shows a progress indicator for each document. It displays the progress of the Translator, the Reviewer 1, and the Reviewer 2 in various shades of green. If you move the mouse pointer over the indicator, three numbers appear. The first is the progress of the Translator, the second is the progress of Reviewer 1, and the third is the progress of Reviewer 2. The numbers are percentages. memoQ computes the progress from the number of segments, words, or characters - depending on your choice. Normally, memoQ uses the word counts.
- Translator: The name of the translator for the document. This is the name of a user on the memoQ server.
- Deadline (T): The deadline of translation for the document (optional). If the deadline is approaching within 24 hours, an orange indication is displayed next to the deadline. If the deadline is overdue, the indication marker turns red.
The background color of the deadline cell also shows the workflow status of the document:
- Grey: Work was not started on the document;
- Blue: Work is in progress;
- Green: Work has finished, the document was delivered;
- Light red: Work is overdue.
- Orange: Work is due within 24 hours.
- Reviewer 1: The name of the 1st reviewer of the document (optional). This is the name of a user on the memoQ server.
- Deadline (R1): The deadline of Review 1 for the document (optional). The background color of this field also shows the workflow status of the document (see above).
- Reviewer 2: The name of the 2nd reviewer of the document (optional). This is the name of a user on the memoQ server.
- Deadline (R2): The deadline of Review 2 for the document (optional). The background color of this field also shows the workflow status of the document (see above).
When a participant is assigned to a document, there's also an icon that shows the type of the assignment:
- D: The document was sliced (split up into several, more manageable parts). The master document is highlighted in yellow. Its slices appear under the D line as normal documents. The name of each slice includes the segment range. Example: Document: 1-30. To hide or expand the list of slices: Click row of the master document.
: The document was assigned through FirstAccept, and no-one has accepted it yet. In the Translator cell, memoQ shows multiple. To see the list of users who can take this document, click
next to the Translator cell.
: The document was assigned to a group of users through GroupSourcing. All users in the group can work on the document. To see the list of users who can work on this document, click
next to the Translator cell.
: The document was assigned to a single user. In the Translator cell, memoQ shows the name of the user. (You see this when the document was offered through FirstAccept, but a user has already accepted it.)
: The document is not assigned to anyone.

At the top of the list, click Details. The Details pane appears. It will always show extensive details for the selected document.
The Details pane contains:
- Document type: The format of the original source document (Word, XML, HTML, etc.).
- Import path: The folder where the document was imported from.
- Export path: The folder and name where the document is supposed to be exported. memoQ will export the translated document in that folder if you click Export (stored path).
- Filter configuration: The filter configuration that was used when the document imported.
- Size: The size of the document in segments, words, and characters (all of them).
If there are embedded objects or images in the document: The Details pane shows information on the master document, as well as the number of embedded objects or images. In this case, you can expand the master document like a folder. The embedded objects appear in the list like separate documents. To learn more about an embedded object, click it in the document list.
- Assignments and deadlines:
- If the project has two or more target languages, you must still select one document for one target language. The Details pane will show the assignments for that target language only.
- The workflow status of the document is also there. It can be Not started, Translation (not started), Translation (in progress), Review 1 (not started), Review 1 (in progress), Review 2 (not started), Review 2 (in progress), and Completed.
- A table with each user role (Translator, Reviewer 1, Reviewer 2), the user the document is assigned to, and the progress
- Under the table, there are two icons. To assign the document to a user or change the existing assignment, click Assign. To pre-translate the document from the translation memories and LiveDocs corpora, click Pre-translate. This is different for embedded images, which have one icon only: Prepare image localization pack.

To view the list in a tree: At the top of the list, click Structure. There will be one group for each target language. Under a target language, memoQ shows the main folder, and then the subfolders and the documents themselves.
Each group can be expanded or collapsed. Click the arrowhead icon on the left of the name of the target language or the folder.
When a document contains embedded objects, memoQ imports them as separate documents. In this case, the document itself becomes a "folder". To see the embedded objects, you need to expand the document.
When a document is sliced up, there is a master document. The master document cannot be assigned. Its slices appear below it like in a folder. The sliced document can also be expanded and collapsed.
To return to the flat list: At the top of the list, click Structure again. The headings of the target languages and the folders will disappear.

To sort the document list: At the top of the list, from the Sort by drop-down box, choose one detail. You can sort the list by one of the following details:
- document name
- document status
- workflow status
- document version
- size
- document language
- progress (overall, for translation, for review 1, for review 2)
- memoQ user role (translator, reviewer 1, reviewer 2)
- deadline (for translation, review 1, review 2)
- whether a document contains embedded objects,
- whether the document is fully assigned (that is, a user is assigned in every role).
To reverse the sorting order, click the arrow next to the Sort by drop-down box.
To search in the document list: At the top of the list, in the search box, enter words that you want to see in the document name. Then press Enter, or click the Search
To filter the document list: At the top of the list, in the search box, click the Edit icon. The Edit filter window opens. Add filter conditions in this window, then click OK. Back in the search box, click the Search
icon. To stop filtering: Click the
icon to return the full list.
To view the list for one target language only: At the top right, from the Target language drop-down box, choose the language. To return to the full list, choose All languages there.

To assign a document to a Translator, a Reviewer 1, or a Reviewer 2:
- Add the user to the project participants in the People pane.
- Next to the document, choose the user from the Translator, Reviewer 1, or Reviewer 2 drop-down box. You can also add new users to the project here: In the drop-down box, choose Add people. memoQ will switch to the People pane, where you can add the new users. Then you need to go back to the Translations pane, and assign the users.
Example: To assign a document to a translator, choose the user from the drop-down list in the Translator column.
To assign users to several documents, or to assign a document to a group of users:
- Select the documents in the list.
To select several documents: Click the first document. Press and hold down Shift, then click the last document. Or, press and hold down Ctrl, and click the other documents one by one.
- Right-click the selection. From the menu, choose Assign. The Assign selected documents to users window opens.
To learn more: See Help about the Assign selected documents to users window.

To use the commands in the Translations pane, click an icon on one of the ribbons. You may need to select documents first.
To use a command, you can also right-click a document or the selected documents, and choose the command from the menu.
- History/reports (Statistics/Preparation ribbon, opens from Versions): Opens the History/reports window. You can view the previous versions of the document, and get reports about them.
- Open in WebTrans (Online Project ribbon): Select a document, then click this command to open the document in WebTrans, which opens in your web browser. You can view the document and edit it, without checking out a local copy of the project. Once in WebTrans, you can click the WebTrans link in the browser window. That will open the Online tasks page, and you can continue working in WebTrans.
memoQweb (WebTrans) must be installed: The Open in WebTrans command works on memoQ servers that have the web-based parts installed. Normally, they are included with memoQ server, and especially in a memoQ cloud - but if they don't work, ask your systems operator if these parts of memoQ server are available.
- Export bilingual (Online Project ribbon, opens from Export): Starts the Bilingual export wizard to save the document contents in a bilingual document. It can be a two-column RTF, a bilingual Word document, or XLIFF. To exchange documents with another copy of memoQ - or with another memoQ server - use the memoQ XLIFF format.
- Export (choose path) (Online Project ribbon, opens from Export): Exports the translation of the selected document or documents. For each document, memoQ will open a Save as window. You need to choose a folder and a name for each translated document. If a document has errors, memoQ displays a warning, and does not export the document.
- Export (stored path) (Online Project ribbon, opens from Export): Exports the translation of the selected documents to a pre-set location. For each document, this location is shown in the Export path column. If a document has errors, memoQ displays a warning, and does not export the document.
- Confirm and update (Statistics/Preparation ribbon): Use this after you receive (and import) a reviewed version of one or more documents. This command will write the translations in the master translation memory. (To learn more, see Help about the Translation memories pane.) When you click this command, the Confirm and update rows window opens. You can choose to confirm segments in a document or in the entire projects, and you can also choose to confirm all segments or just the ones that were confirmed by a translator or a reviewer. To learn more, see Help about the Confirm and update rows window.
- Statistics (Statistics/Preparation ribbon): Counts segments, words, and characters over the entire project or for the selected documents. Checks the source documents against the translation memories and LiveDocs corpora of the project, and counts the matches. (This is called analysis.) When you click Statistics, the Statistics window opens. To learn more, see Help about the Statistics window.
- LQA reports (Statistics/Preparation ribbon): Prepares a report from the feedback that the reviewers added to the documents. This is called Linguistic Quality Assurance (LQA). The LQA reports window opens. To learn more: See Help about the LQA reports window.
- Pre-translate (Statistics/Preparation ribbon): Pre-translates the selected documents from the translation memories and LiveDocs corpora in the project. When you click the command, the Pre-translation window opens. To pre-translate documents in an online project, all required translation memories and LiveDocs corpora must be on the same memoQ server.
- X-translate (Online Project ribbon) Use this after you reimport a document from a newer version of the same source text. The command will retrieve the matching translations from the previous major version of the document. When you click this, the X-Translate window opens. To learn more: See Help about the X-Translate window.
- Assign (Statistics/Preparation ribbon): Assigns the selected documents to translators and reviewers. When you click this, the Assign selected documents to users window opens. To learn more: See Help about the Assign selected documents to users window.
- Auto-assign (Statistics/Preparation ribbon, opens from Assign): Attempts to assign the selected documents to translators and reviewers automatically. When you click this, the Auto-assign users to documents window opens. To learn more: See Help about the Auto-assign users to documents window.
- Change workflow status (Statistics/Preparation ribbon): Use this only if you need to send the document back to an earlier workflow phase (to send it back to the translator, for example). When you click this, the Change workflow status window opens.: here, you can set the workflow status of a document. To learn more: See Help about the Change workflow status window.
When you finish
To make changes to the documents, resources, or settings or the project, or to see reports, choose another pane:
- Overview
- People
- History
- Reports
Or, to return to Project home or to the Dashboard: Close the memoQ online project window. Before that, make sure you save your changes.

When you make changes to an online project, the changes will happen on memoQ server, not on your computer. It is possible that several users make changes to the project at the same time.
Some changes are not saved automatically. When there are changes you need to save, the green tick mark icon at the top left will become orange:
To save changes to the online project, click this button.
To get the changes that others made to the online project, click this button:
Make sure you save your changes before you click this.
Switch windows: You can open several online projects for management. Each online project opens in a separate window. To switch between them and the Dashboard or Project home (if you have a local project open): press and hold down Alt, and press Tab a few times until you get to the window you want. Or: On the Windows taskbar, click the memoQ icon, and then click the window you want to switch to.