Resolve errors and warnings
The Resolve errors and warnings tab is the place where you can look at all errors and warnings from your project.
Errors and warnings are added to some segments by the quality assurance (QA) mechanism of memoQ. The QA mechanism checks the translations according to the QA settings of the project.
You can review the errors and warnings in local projects and in checkouts of online projects.
How to get here
- Open a project. You may open a document or two, but this is not necessary.
- If you need to check the consistency of translations (only then), run the QA module first: On the Review ribbon, click Quality Assurance. In the Run QA window, choose how much of the project is checked, and then click OK. memoQ runs the QA checks on the documents. This may take several minutes.
To learn more: See Help about the Run QA window.
- On the Review ribbon, click Errors And Warnings.
- The Resolve errors and warnings window opens. Choose a scope. A scope tells memoQ how much of the project you need to review. Click OK.
To learn more: See Help about the Resolve errors and warnings window.
- memoQ collects the segments that have warnings or errors. Then the Resolve errors and warnings tab opens.
You may need patience: Depending on the size of your project, it may take several minutes to collect the affected segments.
What can you do?

The lower part of the Resolve errors and warnings tab shows a list of segments where an error or a warning is encountered. The columns mean the following:
- The last column shows whether this is an error (
) or a warning (
- Document: This column shows the name of the document that contains the issue.
- Row: This column shows the number of the segment in which the error/warning was encountered.
- Code: This column shows the internal code of the issue.
- Description: This column indicates the textual description of the issue, and for issues related to auto-translation, it also gives a suggestion. (If you have an auto-translation rule set in your project, and turned on Check auto-translatables in the Edit QA settings window.)
- Ignore: Check the appropriate check boxes in this column to ignore the related warning. Errors cannot be ignored.
Different colors indicate different statuses:
- Errors are displayed in red.
- Ignored warnings are displayed in light blue.
- Corrected and confirmed errors and warnings are displayed in green.
- Segments that are not available for editing are displayed in gray. This happens if you filter a document while the Resolve errors and warnings tab is open.

To speed up your work, it may make sense to hide some items, or to return to the documents at times. (The Resolve errors and warnings tab shows one segment at a time, and you may need to look at the entire document.) On the Review ribbon, you have these options:
- Refresh data: Updates the contents of the list. You need this if documents are also open in the translation editor, and you make changes there - while the Resolve errors and warnings tab remains open.
- Hide ignored items: Hides the items you have ignored. The list will be shortened to the remaining issues you need to deal with.
- Hide warnings: Shows errors only. Use this if you want to export the documents as quickly as possible.
To open the document where an issue comes from: Double-click the item on the list.
To deal with one type of issue at a time: Sort the list by error or warning code. Click the Code header.

When you select an issue, memoQ shows the entire segment at the top.
At the top, the Resolve errors and warnings tab offers more information:
- Location: The name and the target language of the document, and the row number of the segment.
- Description: Detailed description of the issue.
- Correction: For some issues, memoQ can suggest a correction. It is displayed here if available.
To move around in the list, use the Down, Up, PageDown, and PageUp keys.
At the top of the Resolve errors and warnings tab, you can edit the segment. This is similar to the translation editor.
Corrections may appear in the target cell: If memoQ can suggest a correction (for example, adding an inline tag), it usually appears in the target cell. To accept the correction, click Apply automatic correction or press Ctrl+Alt+Space.
No resources or predictive typing: When you edit the segment, you cannot use the resources (the Translation results pane) or predictive typing. To use them, open the document where the segment comes from: double-click the issue on the list.
To confirm a segment, and update the document: Press Ctrl+Enter. This will update the working translation memory, too. To update the document but not the working translation memory, press Ctrl+Shift+r.

Some - in fact, many - warnings can be false alarms. You can ignore these. On the Review ribbon, there are three commands for this. Click the Ignore label below the Ignore icon, and choose from the menu:
- Ignore and move to next: Ignores the current warning, and moves to the next one. For this, you can click the Ignore icon, or press Ctrl+Space, too.
- Ignore all warnings of this kind: Ignores the current warning, and all others that have same type. Use this if an entire type of warning is a false alarm, or you did not want to check that option originally.
- Ignore all warnings for this row: There may be several warnings for one single segment. If you believe the segment is in order, use this command.

You can run QA checks on translation memories, too. If you are checking a translation memory, and not a document, you have different options to hide or show items.
Use the commands on the Review ribbon:
- Refresh data: Do not use this. QA checks do not run automatically on translation memories, and the warnings are not saved in the translation units there. If the translation memory changes, the warnings will not change.
- Hide ignored items: Hides the items you have ignored. The list will be shortened to the remaining issues you need to deal with.
- Hide warnings: Shows errors only. Use this if you want to export the documents as quickly as possible.
To get a report about the errors and warnings: Click Export report. memoQ will save a HTML document. You can open it in a web browser, and examine the warnings in detail.
For a complete list of QA warnings in memoQ, see this Help topic.
When you finish
You do not have to save the documents: memoQ will automatically save every change, even in segments that were not confirmed.
To return to Project home: Close the Resolve errors and warnings tab by clicking the Close button on the tab itself. Or, press Ctrl+F4.