Discover memoQ 9.4
These are the most important new features of memoQ 9.4.
The Resource Console got a slightly new look to make better use of screen space, and some more filtering options and metadata to help you work more efficiently.
The second step of this feature includes exporting, importing, and deleting multiple TMs, TBs, and LiveDocs corpora on the Resource Console and in local and online projects. These improvements will help a lot when you need to move your memoQ data from one computer to another.
Also, now you can add/remove multiple LiveDocs corpora in local and online projects.
memoQ 9.4 also brings updates to the Intento and Microsoft MT plugins, the ability to import SDLTM files into memoQ translation memories, and separate controls for entity and number formatting in QA settings.
From this version, memoQ setup no longer installs the Content Connector client. The latest installation remains on your computer. If you need to update it, download the setup file from memoQ's Download page (scroll down and click the Tools and utilities tab).
When importing files into a project, the new filter configuration selector provides more efficient controls over the process. It also lets you treat zip files as folders.
In a project's Translations view, you can now change the workflow status, assignments and deadlines of multiple documents in one go.
When importing CSV files into term bases, you can now choose which character is the delimiter in the imported files.
When you start memoQ 9.4 (or log into the new memoQWeb interface on a memoQ server 9.4 or newer) for the first time, the Help us make memoQ better page opens.
By sharing anonymous data about who you are and how you use memoQ, you help us get a better understanding of our users, and a better chance of delivering features and improvements you really need.