Prepare your server computer for memoQ server
Once you have the server computer or a virtual machine, as well as the necessary network connection, you need to prepare the computer for memoQ server.

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of memoQ server, it is strongly recommended to back up your data before continuing. To back up your data, open the Deployment tool, then click the Backup link. If you need to restore data, click the Restore from backup link.
To learn more: Read the server upgrade documentation, available from the website.
If you plan to upgrade from an earlier version of memoQ server, do not remove the previous installation of memoQ server before you begin installing memoQ server's current version.

memoQ server requires version .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher. Make sure you install .NET Framework and all important updates before starting the memoQ server installer.
If your are using the latest versions of Windows or Windows server, and you keep your copy of the operating system updated, the latest version of the .NET Framework will be already there.
It is strongly recommended that you install the latest version of .NET framework using Windows Update or Microsoft Update. Windows Update is available from the Control Panel.
Check your Windows version: The procedure for using Windows Update or Microsoft Update is different in various versions of Windows. For specific details please refer to Windows Help.
To download and the install .NET Framework separately, visit the following page: (at the time of writing, this will give you .NET version 4.6.2.).

Normally, SQL Server 2014 Express is automatically installed with memoQ server. However, this will not be enough for you in two cases:
- You expect a large amount of data. SQL Server Express can handle databases of up to 10 gigabytes. If you need more, you need to purchase and install SQL Server Standard or Enterprise. Or:
- You have a SQL Server, but on a different computer: If your organization has a separate database server for this, SQL Server will be installed on that server. You need to create a database and grant permissions on that server.
Trial or Evaluation editions are not supported: Using such editions is known to cause problems.
You do not need to download and install SQL Server if you do not need a large database (more than 10 gigabytes), and the database can be stored on the same computer where memoQ server runs. In this case, ask the Deployment tool to install the copy of SQL Server 2014 Express that comes with the setup package.
If you need to install a SQL Server instance before you install memoQ server, you can use SQL Server 2008 R2, 2012, 2014, or 2016. The free Express edition is sufficient unless you plan to set up large online projects, regularly exceeding the size of 50,000-100,000 segments.
Download: The recommended setup package of SQL Server 2014 Express is available here (at the time of writing):
Because each version and edition of SQL Server has a more or less different setup program, this page cannot offer a detailed walkthrough. However, it is recommended that you pay attention to the following when installing SQL Server:
- Do not make changes to the service accounts that the SQL Server installer offers, unless your corporate infrastructure requires you to do so.
- Use Windows-integrated authentication, otherwise memoQ server will be unable to communicate to SQL Server.
- Install SQL Server Management Studio along with SQL Server (found in Management Tools). Note that different versions of SQL Server use different versions of SQL Server Management Studio. When you visit the download page, and click Download, you will be able to choose to download SQL Server or the Management Studio. The Management Studio is a separate download.
- It is highly recommended that you install a named SQL Server instance called MemoQServer: this is what the memoQ 8.1 server setup program will look for by default. Do not use a Default instance.
Separate SQL Server? Do not forget the permissions.
If you install SQL Server separately, grant specific roles to at least two users.
The user account that represents memoQ server (that is the service user) needs the following:
- Over the SQL Server, the preferred server-level role is sysadmin.
- Over the memoQ server database, the memoQ server service user must be db_owner.
The user who installs and manages memoQ server on the server computer needs the following:
- Over the SQL server, the minimum role is bulkadmin (to make backups of the database), the preferred privilege is sysadmin.
- Over the memoQ server database, the user needs to be db_owner.
To set these up, use the sqlcmd program. To learn more about the commands to set server-level and database-level roles, see the Useful SQL commands topic.

You need the memoQ desktop program on the server to manage certain aspects of your memoQ server. You need a project manager license for that copy. Normally, the memoQ server package includes at least one project manager license.
You do not need the memoQ desktop program to run memoQ server.
To download memoQ, visit
To learn how to install the memoQ desktop program, see the memoQ installation and activation guide, also available from the website:

memoQ server uses one single folder to store all its data. When you install memoQ server, you can configure the location of this folder. Normally, on the server computer, this folder is C:\ProgramData\memoQ server.
You may need to move this folder away from the default location for three possible reasons:
- Disk space: Your resources and projects can occupy a lot of disk space – with large translation organizations with thousands of projects; this could fall in the range of 1-2 terabytes. Usually, this disk space is not available on the system disk of a server.
- Security and flexibility: You may need to store your data on another physical disk or disk subsystem that has a different – and stronger – data integrity protection (e.g. mirroring or RAID) than the system disk.
- Folder paths, especially temporary paths for server projects can become too long. Windows supports path names up to 254 characters long. When a folder is created too deeply within the file system, the full path of a folder or file might exceed this limit. In some rare cases, this could cause an error in memoQ. You might want to use a shorter folder path to prevent this.
Before you start installing memoQ server, make sure the disk that will store the data is available (installed and mounted - has a drive letter). You will be able to configure the folder path during the installation process.
Next step
Read on: Install memoQ server