Using broadcast messages, you can remind users in memoQ or webTrans to take immediate action in online projects, such as close a project or sign out.
You can send a message to every user of the server, and view the previous broadcast messages sent to users. You need to be member of the Administrators group to send broadcast messages.
How to get here
- Open memoQWeb in a web browser. Log in as an administrator.
- Click the Admin tab. Below it, click the Broadcast tab.
- The Broadcast tab appears.
What can you do?

- Under Message, in the large box, type your message.
- Click the Instant radio button.
- Click Broadcast.
To show the message to users when they close memoQ: check the Display on exiting memoQ check box

When you schedule a broadcast message, it will be shown on the users' screens from the time you specify till they dismiss the message or the end time you specify.
- Under Message, in the large box, type your message.
- Click Scheduled. In the From boxes, set a date and a time.
- In the Until boxes, set a date and a time. It must be later than the date and time set in the From boxes.
- If you want users to see the message when they close memoQ, check the Display on exiting memoQ check box.
- Click Broadcast.

Previous broadcast messages are listed under History. The table has the following columns:
- Created: Date and time this message was created.
- Message: Text of the message.
- Scheduled from/to: Starting and ending date and time if the message was scheduled.
- On exit: Shows Yes if the message was displayed when the users closed memoQ.
Messages are sorted by starting time of the schedule period. Instant messages have no starting time. Their creation time appears in the date/time column.
- To edit and send messages again: In the row of the message, click Edit. Or, double-click the message. Make the changes you need, and click Broadcast. The changes overwrite the old message.
- To select a message: Check the check box next to it. To delete the selected messages, click Delete.
- To select all messages: check the check box to the left of the Ops column header. To delete all messages, click Delete.

In the Cleanup section, you can set memoQ server to delete past messages automatically. Under Delete broadcast messages, choose from these options:
- Immediately: Broadcast messages are not preserved at all. Instant messages disappear right after being sent. A scheduled message is deleted at the date/time set in the Until fields.
- Automatically after N days (1-1000): Messages are automatically deleted after this many days. The minimum allowed value is 1, the maximum is 1000. The default value is set to 28 days.
- Never: Messages are not deleted automatically.
Choose an option for the cleanup. To save your settings, click Save. To not save the changes, click Cancel.
How messages are delivered
- If a user is working in memoQ when a message is sent, she will see it immediately in a popup window.
- If the user is offline when the message is sent, she will receive the message when she connects to the server again.
- If a message is set to appear when memoQ is closed, users will receive it in a popup box when they exit memoQ. They must click again to exit memoQ, so that it is more likely that they read the message.