Permissions from online projects

memoQ server uses permissions to protect online resources - translation memories, LiveDocs corpora, term bases, segmentation rules - all of them.

Before a user - a translator, a project manager, or a reviewer - can work with a translation memory, they need to have permissions to do so.

When a user is added to a group, they receive some default permissions that are assigned to the group. In addition, you can change permissions that a user or a group has over a resource. To do that, use the Permissions command from the Resource console.

However, when someone has work to do in an online project, they will automatically get the permissions they need. In addition, if someone is member of a group that can create projects, they can create resources even when they don't have permission to use existing ones.

What default permissions do users get from groups? Check the Permissions topic to find out more.

Roles and permissions in an online project

As a rule, you should not grant permissions to anyone in the Permissions window. (If anything, you should take permissions away.) Instead, add the users to the online projects where they have work to do. They will get the permissions they need, only for the resources in the project. And these permissions are taken away when they no longer work on the project, or the project is not active anymore.

When a user is added to an online project on the People pane, they can have one of these roles:

  • Project manager
  • Translator or reviewer
  • Terminologist

Each role means different permissions for the resources in the project.

  • If someone is a project manager in a project, they receive Admin permission over all translation memories, term bases and other resources in the project.
  • Translators or reviewers receive Update permission for the working translation memory in the project; Lookup permission for all other translation memories. Update permission for all term bases. Use or Lookup permission for all other resources.
  • Terminologist: This is the same as the translator or reviewer, except that they receive Review permission for each term base in the project.

As long as these users work on the project, they have these permissions, no matter what permissions they have otherwise. You can take away all default permissions from them - they will still get these permissions if they are added to the project.

To learn what each permission means: Check the Permissions topic.

"Lightweight project managers": What if someone can create projects but they are not members of the Project managers group?

Project managers are quite powerful users, and an organization may not want to give this power to everyone who needs to create online projects.

You can allow users to create online projects without adding them to the Project managers group. To do that, create a group for them. Among the properties of the group, check the Members can start projects check box. Then add these "junior" or "lightweight" project manager users to this group - and do not add them to the regular Project managers group.

It is possible that someone is not member of any other group - then they have no permission to existing projects and resources. They can still create new online projects, and manage them.

A user - even a lightweight project manager - has permissions from groups that they are member of. To learn what they are, read the Permissions topic.

However, when someone can create new online projects, they can create new resources in them. Then they will have Admin permission over these new resources - as long as they are project managers in the project.

Template projects are exceptions: A "junior" or "lightweight" project manager can always create online projects from templates - even when they do not have permissions for the resources that the template refers to.