Edit corpus settings

A LiveDocs settings resource tells memoQ how to get matches from a LiveDocs corpus. This means two things: match thresholds and penalties. Match thresholds set the minimum match rate of any match that memoQ shows, and tell memoQ what counts as a good match. These are used in pre-translation. Penalties are used when a match is not reliable: if the translation is bad or inadequate (or, in the case of LiveDocs, comes from an aligned document pair, and there is a misalignment), the match will be worse than the actual match rate.

You cannot edit the default LiveDocs settings. Either you need to make a copy of the default LiveDocs settings resource, or you need to create a new one.

Belongs to a project, not to a LiveDocs corpus: You choose a LiveDocs settings resource for a project, not for a LiveDocs corpus. If you choose a LiveDocs settings resource for a project, memoQ uses them for all LiveDocs corpora in the project. Then again, in a different project, you can use different LiveDocs settings for the same LiveDocs corpora.

How to get here

Open the Resource Console. Choose LiveDocs settings. In the list, click the LiveDocs settings resource you want to edit. Under the list, click Edit.

From a project: Open a project. In Project home, choose Settings. In the Settings pane, click the LiveDocs icon. (This icon is two jigsaw puzzle pieces, one yellow, one gray.) In the list, click the LiveDocs settings resource you want to edit. Under the list, click Edit.

From an online project: Open an online project for management. In the memoQ online project window, choose Settings. In the Settings pane, click the LiveDocs settings icon. (This icon is two jigsaw puzzle pieces, one yellow, one gray.) In the list, click the LiveDocs settings resource you want to edit. Under the list, click Edit.

Can't edit default LiveDocs settings: There is a default LiveDocs settings resource that memoQ uses for new projects - unless the project template specifies another one. To change the default settings, you must clone (copy) them first. To clone a LiveDocs settings resource: Select it in the list. In Resource Console, click Clone. In a project, click Clone/use new. memoQ makes a copy of the LiveDocs settings resource. If you're in a project, memoQ also starts using it. Then you can select the clone and click Edit.

What can you do?

A LiveDocs corpus returns matches the same way a translation memory does.

You can choose what matches you want to see. You can differentiate among users and LiveDocs corpora if you believe some are more reliable than others.

LiveDocs settings have a specialty over translation memories: In a LiveDocs corpus, not all links are equally reliable. You can deduct penalties from a match rate, depending on the nature (the status) of a link between two segments. For example, in an aligned document pair, there is a difference between a link that was confirmed by a human and a link that was just put there by the machine. Or, when a match is coming from a bilingual document, there is a difference between a row (a segment pair) that was confirmed by a translator and another that was confirmed by a reviewer 2. Not to mention matches from unconfirmed (edited or pre-translated) rows.

In addition, you can also look for more relevant documents within a single LiveDocs corpus. You use the keywords from the LiveDocs corpus for that.

When you finish

To save the changes, and return to Resource Console, to Project home, or to memoQ online project: Click OK.

To use the edited LiveDocs settings resource in a project:Create a project from a template that specifies this rule. Or, create an empty project (local or online). In Project home (or in memoQ online project), choose Settings. Click the LiveDocs settings icon. In the list, check the check box of this LiveDocs settings resource. Do this before you pre-translate documents or before you start translating them.

To return to Resource Console, to Project home, or to memoQ online project, and not save changes: Click Cancel.