Server Administrator
If you are in charge of a memoQ server or a memoQ cloud, this is where you manage users, groups, discussion groups, licenses. You can also view and change the configuration of your memoQ server.
Subvendor managers have restricted view: If you are working with the memoQ server of your client as a subvendor group manager, the Server Administrator displays a restricted view. To learn more, see Help about the subvendor mode of Server administrator.
To share and publish resources, use the Resource Console: This is not where you publish, share, or manage translation memories and other resources. To do that, use the Resource console. To learn more: See Help about the Resource Console.
To start online projects, use the Dashboard: On the project manager's Dashboard, you can switch to your server, and create or manage online projects.
Requires memoQ project manager: You need the project manager edition of memoQ to manage a memoQ server or a memoQ cloud.
You need to be a project manager or an administrator: You may manage the server only if you are a member of the Project managers or Administrators group on the memoQ server. To change most settings, you must be member of the Administrators group.
How to get here

Or: On the Project ribbon, click Server Administrator.
Type or choose the address of the memoQ server, and click the Select button.
You may need to log in to the memoQ server: If you have not used the server before, the Log in to server window opens. Type your user name and password for that server, and click OK.
What can you do?
Connect to the memoQ server or memoQ cloud you need to manage:
- In the Server URL box, type or paste the address of the memoQ server. This address will be a normal web address, but without http:// or https://. Click Select.
- If this is the first time you access a server through the Server administrator, you will need to log in to the server. The Log in to server window opens. Once you log in to the memoQ server, memoQ will save your user name and password, so you do not need to enter them again.
To change the administrator password: If you are an administrator, you can change your password on the User management pane. However, on a memoQ cloud, it is recommended to use the My Account page for that.
Choose a category to manage: Click a category on the left. To learn more about a category, click its name below.
- Connection: Connect to a memoQ server, or connect to a different memoQ server.
- User management: Add users to the server, change their password or other details, or remove them.
- Group management: Add groups to the server, change their membership, or remove them.
- Language Terminal: Connect the memoQ server to the Language Terminal account of your organization. This will allow the members of your organization to log in to the memoQ server.
- Windows single sign-on: Connect the memoQ server to a Windows domain, so that the users of the organization can log in to the memoQ server - using their Windows user name and password.
- Default server resources: Choose the segmentation rules, QA option sets, and other light resources that memoQ server will use for new online projects.
- ELM licenses: Grant mobile licenses to users, watch their usage, and revoke them if necessary. Mobile licenses work either in the ELM or in the CAL scheme: the two are not available at the same time.
- CAL licenses: Grant CAL licenses to users or computers, watch their usage, and revoke them if necessary. Mobile licenses work either in the ELM or in the CAL scheme: the two are not available at the same time. A memoQ cloud can issue CAL licenses only.
- Configuration and logging: Configure the address of the server, its credentials. Set up logging and diagnostics.
- Corpus indexing: Check the status of online LiveDocs corpora on the server. Stop or start indexing them.
- Omniscien Technologies: Set up memoQ server to use the Omniscien Technologies (formerly Asia Online) machine translation service.
- Archiving: Set up automatic archiving of projects and resources on the server.
- Performance counters: Check the values of the various performance counters that provide information about the status, workload, and health of memoQ server.
- Background tasks: Check the status of background tasks running on the server, and stop those that take too long.
- Broadcast message: Send an urgent message to all users currently connected to memoQ server. The message will appear in a popup window in memoQ. For example, you can use this message to notify the users that the server will be taken offline for some time.
- Discussions: Enable or disable discussions, and control which types of discussions are available, and which are not. In addition, you can turn related e-mail notifications on and off.
- Spelling in memoQWeb (legacy): In memoQWeb (legacy), users can spell check using Hunspell. Before they can do this, Hunspell dictionaries must be installed on the memoQ server. You can do this in the Spelling in memoQWeb (legacy) pane.
- Weighted counts: Set the weights that memoQ server will use to calculate the weighted counts in online projects. Weighted counts are word counts that take into account the matches from translation memories and LiveDocs corpora. Weighted counts are lower than plain word counts.
- Audit log for TM: Tightly controlled organizations can track what happens to translation memories. memoQ will keep an audit log about operations that change a translation memory. Set up logging on this pane.
- Customer Portal: Set up languages, language pairs, and identification methods that customers can use when they connect to this memoQ server through the Customer Portal.
- CMS connections: Allow a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress to send translation jobs directly to memoQ server. For each content management system, create one connection in Server Administrator.
Cannot stop or start memoQ server in Server Administrator: You cannot use Server administrator to start or stop a memoQ server. To learn more about the installation and maintenance of memoQ server, see the Help pages for the memoQ server deployment tool.
To restart or back up a memoQ cloud: Open the My Account page.
When you finish
To return to memoQ: Click Close.