Translation quotes

After you request a quote or a translation, your provider's project manager or your provider's server prepares a quote for you. When a quote is ready, you receive an email from Customer Portal.

  1. Open Customer Portal in your web browser.
  2. Log in using your email and password.
  3. The Customer Portal Dashboard opens.
  4. Click Quotes in the menu at the top. The Translation quotes page opens.

This page shows all the quote requests waiting for approval. You can manage them here.

Depending on your user role in Customer Portal, you will find various actions in the Ops column on this page. Your provider's PM can help you if you are not sure about your role.

  • Observer users can see all the requests submitted by someone in their company, and use the Select contact box on the upper right to see requests sent in by a specific contact person. They can view details and contact the PM about a request.
  • Requester users can only see the requests they submitted. They do not have the Select contact box and the table's Contact column. In addition to the two actions above, they can also accept or reject quotes.
  • Manager users have all the options listed above: they see all the quotes, can choose to filter by contacts, and all four actions are available to them.

    The actions:

  • Accept quote : The quote is accepted and moves to the In progress list. The provider's PM gets a notification and the translation work starts. Use this if the quote is correct.
  • Reject quote : The quote is rejected and moves to the Cancelled list. The provider's PM gets a notification. Use this if you made a mistake in the request, or if the quote has a problem that you could not solve by contacting the PM.
  • Contact PM : Your default email app opens with the To and Subject fields already filled in (with the PM's email and the job's project ID). Use this if the quote has a problem that you think you can solve by contacting the PM.
  • View details : The Request details page opens:

Check the word counts, the cost, and the deadline: Your provider may change the deadline if the original deadline you requested is not feasible.

  • If the current deadline is not suitable for you, click Request new deadline. Type the date you suggest or choose it from the calendar. To send the change request, click Apply. To leave the deadline unchanged, click Cancel.
  • If everything is in order, click Accept.
  • If the quote has a problem that you think you can solve by contacting the PM, click their email at the bottom of the Quote information section. Your default email app opens with the To field already filled in with the PM's email.
  • If you made a mistake in the request, or if the quote has a problem that you could not solve by contacting the PM, click Reject.

    To go to another page: Click its link in the menu at the top.

To close Customer Portal: Click Log out in the top right corner.