What is the memoQ Content connector?

memoQ content connector is an automation tool for translation companies as well as small and large enterprises. It works together with memoQ server – the translation management product from memoQ Zrt. –, and relieves project managers of most mechanical tasks. In addition, the memoQ content connector reduces errors in running translation projects, and lets your organization to respond much faster to content changes.

Everything is automatic except for translation

The memoQ content connector is most useful when you have translation projects that contain a large number of documents, and the documents can frequently change while the project is running. Together with memoQ server, here is how the memoQ content connector processes a translation project:

  1. Your client – the end-user of the translation – loads the source documents in a file folder (using FTP or a file-sharing solution such as Dropbox, OneDrive, or Google Drive)
  2. The memoQ content connector watches this file folder, and when the contents change - new documents are added, or existing ones are modified or removed –, it notifies memoQ server.
  3. memoQ server imports the new materials, pre-translates and analyzes them, then assigns them to translators, possibly also to reviewers – and ideally, this is completely automatic.

    Use project templates: You can fully automate this process if you set up a project template to work with the Content connector.

  4. Translators and reviewers complete their tasks and deliver the documents that were assigned to them.
  5. memoQ server picks up the finished documents, and sends them to the memoQ content connector.
  6. The memoQ content connector places the finished documents in the appropriate file folder, so that the client – the end-user of the translation – can pick them up.
  7. In the graphic below, blue blocks indicate human steps; actions marked with green are done by the content connector; and the role of memoQ server is shown in orange.

Not file folder, Git, or Subversion? You may need to create a custom module to work with the API of memoQ server.

Do you rather need a direct connection with your client for individual projects? You may need to use the Customer Portal, not the Content connector.

Next step: Plan the Content connector installation