Customer Portal admin

If you use the Customer Portal to receive translation work directly from your customers, you need to tell memoQWeb (legacy) about these customers.

Each customer appoints contact people. These people will log in to the Customer Portal, and send in translation requests, or check on their status.

For each customer, there can be three types of contact people:

  • Requester: This is more or less a project manager on the customer's end. A requester can upload files for translation, get a quote, accept the quote (that is, start the project), check progress, and download exported documents. A requester can view statistics for projects they started.
  • Observer: An observer can view requests that requesters sent in, check progress of projects, view statistics, and download translations. In the customers' organization, this is a higher-level person who needs information about the work of a team, but is not involved in the operative work.
  • Manager: A manager can do everything a Requester and an Observer can do. In addition, they can edit or delete the customer's other contacts, change their roles, and reassign work from one contact to another.

    As the administrator of the Customer Portal, you can also add, edit, or delete contacts, for each organization, on the Customer Portal admin page.

If it is allowed on the memoQ server, contacts can also register at the Customer Portal. Normally, these registrations must be approved on the Customer Portal admin page.


  1. Open memoQWeb (legacy) in a Web browser. Log in as an administrator.
  2. Click the Admin tab, then click the Customer Portal admin tab.
  3. The Customer Portal admin page appears.


Abschließende Schritte

Send instructions to the customer that they can log in to the Customer Portal, and they can start sending in requests. Or, make changes to customers or services.