Print term base

You can print term bases in two ways: either as "pretty print" or as glossary.


  1. Open memoQWeb (legacy) in a web browser. Log in as an administrator, project manager, terminologist, or external user.
  2. Click the QTerm tab. The QTerm - Home page appears.
  3. Click the term base you want to browse.
  4. When opening a term base for the first time, a language selection flyout appears.

    Choose languages from the First language and Second language dropdowns.

If you want to open this term base always with the same filter, choose it from the Filter dropdown.

  1. Click Browse term base. The Browse terms page opens.
  2. In the top row, click Print. The Print term base page opens:


To choose the print view: At the top, in the View dropdown, choose Glossary (see image above) or Pretty print (see image below).

To filter the entries you want to print:

  1. Choose a filter in the Filter dropdown, and if needed, type a filter phrase into the Term field.
  2. To change search type: By default, QTerm uses the Begins with setting and looks for terms beginning with the search phrase. To find the search phrase also inside words, choose the Contains setting. To find only whole words matching the search phrase, choose Exact match.
  3. Click Search.

To reset filter conditions: Click Reset.

To choose languages you want to print:

To include two languages: At the bottom of the Print term base section, choose the Bilingual radio button, and choose a Language and a Second language above.

To include all languages: At the bottom of the Print term base section, choose the All languages radio button. If you choose a Language and a Second language above, those appear at the top of term lists.

To include entry history: At the bottom of the Print term base section, check the Print entry history check box. You can only do this in Pretty print view.

To tell QTerm how many entries should be on one page: Choose a value from the Page size dropdown. You can only do this in Pretty print view.

To jump to another page (when the entry list is longer than one page): use the page controls above or below the list.

To go to the Browse terms page (for example, to correct something before printing): At the top right, click Browse/Edit term base.

To go to the Term base settings page (for example, to correct something before printing): At the top right, click Term base settings.

To print the entry list:

  1. At the top right, click Print to PDF (both views) or Print to RTF (Glossary view only).

    RTF is editable: Choose this format if you want to format or customize the look of your glossary.

  2. In the Select metadata window, select the fields you want to have in the printed version, then click Print.
  3. In the Print glossary window, click the link to download the printed file, then click Close.

Abschließende Schritte

To return to the Browse terms page: In the top right corner, click Browse/Edit term base.

To return to the QTerm - Home screen: At the top left, click QTerm - Home.

To sign out of QTerm: In the top row, click Sign out.