Translation editor
You write or edit translations in the translation editor. Every document or view opens in a separate editor tab.
For an introduction to translating in memoQ: See the Getting Started Guide in the memoQ Help Center website.
How to get here
- Open a project. This can be a local project or a checkout of an online project.
- In Project home, choose Translations.
- Find the document you need to edit. Double-click its name. The translation editor opens on a separate editor tab.
Or: Right-click the document, and choose Open For Translation.
To open a view for editing: In the Translations pane of Project home, click the Views tab. Double-click the name of the view you need to edit.
Are you getting an error when you try to open a document? Maybe your computer is missing a font that memoQ needs to show the text. When this happens, install the language pack in Windows for both your source language and your target language. To do this, open Control Panel in Windows. Choose Language, click Add language, then choose the language you need, and - at the bottom - click Add. Then, next to the language, click Options, and then click Download and install language pack. (This is what you do in Windows 10; to our knowledge, the error occurs most often in Windows 10 and with the Korean language.)
What can you do?
When you finish
You do not have to save the document: memoQ will automatically save every change, even in segments that were not confirmed.
To return to Project home: Close the editor tab by clicking the Close button on the tab itself. Or, press Ctrl+F4.