Troubleshoot memoQweb access
Testing the connection to memoQweb
To test if memoQWeb (legacy) works, start a web browser on the server computer itself, and open the following address: http://localhost/memoqweb. If you have typed a different application name during installation, use that name after http://localhost/ (instead of ’memoqweb’).
To test secure connections to memoQweb, start the address with 'https': https://localhost/memoqweb.
If you do this, you will test memoQWeb (legacy) directly, without any network problems that may also make memoQWeb (legacy) unaccessible.
If the installation is successful, the memoQWeb (legacy) sign in screen will show up. Sign in to the memoQWeb (legacy) interface using a valid name and password, and check if you can see the admin pages, or the list of projects and documents, or if you can access QTerm.
Depending on your group membership and privileges, you may see and use different parts of memoQWeb (legacy), but if you sign in with a user who is member of the Administrators group on the memoQ server, you should be able to access all pages.
To learn how to manage users, groups, and projects on memoQweb, see memoQweb help.