Edit template - Settings
In the Settings pane, you can select segmentation rules, QA settings, auto-translation, and language-independent resources for the template. You can define how memoQ must behave when the documents come from the content connector. When you create a project from the template, memoQ will use these resources.
Resources must be on the same system: If you edit a project template that is on a server, you can use resources from that server only. If you edit a project template on your own computer, you can use local resources only.
How to get here
- Open the Resource Console.
- On the left, click Project templates.
Select the template you want to edit.
To set up a template for online projects or resources: Use an online template for this. Choose your memoQ server at the top of Resource console. Click the Select
- Under the list, click Edit.
- On the left, click Settings. The Settings pane appears.
What can you do?
When you finish
To set up other options: Click another category in the Edit project template window.
To set up automated actions: On the left, click Automated actions.
To save the project template: Click OK.
To return to the Resource console, and not change the project template: Click Cancel.