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GET v1/tbs/{tbGuid}/metadefinitions

Gets the meta definitions of the termbase specified by a Guid.

Request information

Uri parameters

NameTypeDescriptionAdditional information
tbGuidGuidThe Guid of the termbase

Response information

Response return type

BuiltInBooleanDefines whether the property is built-in.
DefaultValueStringThe default value of the property.
DescriptionStringThe description of the property.
IdInt32The id of the property.
MetaTypeTBMetaType (enum)Possible enum values: 0:String; 1:ValueSet; 2:Integer; 3:FloatingPoint; 4:Boolean; 5:CaseSense; 6:DateTime; 7:PartialMatch; 8:IntegerVector; 9:Image; The type of the property.
NameStringThe name of the property.
ReadOnlyBooleanDefines whether the property is readonly.
RequiredBooleanDefines whether the property is required.
ScopeTBMetaScope (enum)Possible enum values: 0:Global; 1:Entry; 2:Language; 3:Term; The scope of the property.
UniqueBooleanDefines whether the property is unique.

Response body formats


    "BuiltIn": false,
    "DefaultValue": "value",
    "Description": "description",
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "name",
    "ReadOnly": false,
    "Required": false,
    "Scope": 1,
    "Unique": false,
    "MetaType": 2
    "BuiltIn": false,
    "DefaultValue": "value",
    "Description": "description",
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "name",
    "ReadOnly": false,
    "Required": false,
    "Scope": 1,
    "Unique": false,
    "MetaType": 2
    "BuiltIn": false,
    "DefaultValue": "value",
    "Description": "description",
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "name",
    "ReadOnly": false,
    "Required": false,
    "Scope": 1,
    "Unique": false,
    "MetaType": 2