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GET v1/tms/{tmGuid}

Gets the translation memory by the specified Guid.

Request information

Uri parameters

NameTypeDescriptionAdditional information
tmGuidGuidThe Guid of the translation memory

Response information

Response return type

AccessLevelResourceAccessLevel (enum)Possible enum values: 0:ReadOnly; 1:ReadWrite; 2:Admin; The access level of the translation memory.
ClientStringThe client of the translation memory.
DomainStringThe domain of the translation memory.
FriendlyNameStringThe friendly name of the translation memory.
IsUsedInProjectBooleanDefines whether the translation memory is used in online projects. Available since version 9.4.12.
LastModifiedDateTimeThe date and time when this translation memory was last used including querying. Available since version 9.4.12.
LastUsedDateTimeThe date and time when this translation memory was last used including querying. Available since version 9.4.12.
NumEntriesInt32The number of entries in the translation memory.
ProjectStringThe project of the translation memory.
SourceLangCodeStringThe source language of the translation memory.
SubjectStringThe subject of the translation memory.
TargetLangCodeStringThe target language of the translation memory.
TMEngineTypeTMEngineType (enum)Possible enum values: 0:Classic; 1:Hybrid; 2:NGTM; Defines the engine type of the TM.
TMGuidStringThe Guid of the translation memory.
TMOwnerStringThe owner of the translation memory.

Response body formats


  "AccessLevel": 0,
  "Client": "client",
  "Domain": "domain",
  "Subject": "subject",
  "Project": "project",
  "NumEntries": 200,
  "FriendlyName": "My translation memory",
  "SourceLangCode": "eng",
  "TargetLangCode": "hun",
  "TMGuid": "3bcbbce5-d422-488d-9f26-b07ec2cd6523",
  "TMOwner": "Built-in administrator",
  "LastUsed": "2015-08-28T14:02:31.22Z",
  "LastModified": "2015-08-28T14:02:31.22Z",
  "IsUsedInProject": false,
  "TMEngineType": 0