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POST v1/tbs/{tbGuid}/entries/create?returnNewEntry={returnNewEntry}

Creates a termbase entry in the TB specified by a Guid.

Request information

Uri parameters

NameTypeDescriptionAdditional information
tbGuidGuidThe Guid of the termbase
returnNewEntryBooleanWhether to return the newly created entry. Optional, default value: false.

Request body type

ClientStringOptional, default value: null; The client of the TB entry.
CustomMetasTBCustomMetaItem[]Optional, default value: null; An array of the TB entry's custom meta properties.
NameStringObligatory; The name of the custom meta property.
ValueStringOptional, default value: null; The value of the custom meta property.
DomainStringOptional, default value: null; The domain of the TB entry.
IdInt32Optional, default value: -1; The id of the TB entry.
ImageStringOptional, default value: null; The image url of the TB entry.
ImageCaptionStringOptional, default value: null; The image caption of the TB entry.
LanguagesLanguageItem[]Optional, default value: null; An array of the TB entry's languages.
CustomMetasTBCustomMetaItem[]Optional, default value: null; An array of the language's custom meta properties.
NameStringObligatory; The name of the custom meta property.
ValueStringOptional, default value: null; The value of the custom meta property.
DefinitionStringOptional, default value: null; The definition of the language.
IdInt32Optional, default value: -1; The id of the language.
LanguageStringObligatory; The code of the language.
NeedsModerationBooleanOptional, default value: null; Defines whether the language needs moderation.
TermItemsTermItem[]Optional, default value: null; An array of the language's terms.
CaseSenseTermCaseSense (enum)Optional, default value: null; Possible enum values: 0:Strict; 1:Near; 2:Insensitive; Defines the case sensitivity level of the term.
CustomMetasTBCustomMetaItem[]Optional, default value: null; An array of the term's custom meta properties.
NameStringObligatory; The name of the custom meta property.
ValueStringOptional, default value: null; The value of the custom meta property.
ExampleStringOptional, default value: null; The example of the term.
GrammarGenderStringOptional, default value: null; The grammatical gender of the term.
GrammarNumberStringOptional, default value: null; The grammatical number of the term.
GrammarPartOfSpeechStringOptional, default value: null; The grammatical category of the term.
IdInt32Optional, default value: -1; The id of the term.
IsForbiddenBooleanOptional, default value: null; Defines whether the term is forbidden.
PartialMatchTermPartialMatch (enum)Optional, default value: null; Possible enum values: 0:Any; 1:Half; 2:None; 3:Custom; Defines the degree to which partial matches are allowed against this term.
PrefixBoundariesInt32[]Optional, default value: null; The prefix boundaries of the term.
TextStringObligatory; The text of the term.
WildTextStringOptional, default value: null; The 'wild' text of the term. It contains wildcards denoting prefix-boundaries. It will not be taken into consideration when adding new entries to a term base.
NoteStringOptional, default value: null; The note of the TB entry.
ProjectStringOptional, default value: null; The project of the TB entry.
SubjectStringOptional, default value: null; The subject of the TB entry.

Request body formats


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  "Client": "client",
  "Domain": "domain",
  "ImageCaption": "image caption",
  "Image": "image url",
  "Languages": [
      "Language": "ger",
      "Definition": "definition",
      "Id": 0,
      "NeedsModeration": true,
      "TermItems": [
          "CaseSense": 2,
          "Example": "example",
          "GrammarGender": "",
          "GrammarNumber": "",
          "GrammarPartOfSpeech": "",
          "Id": 0,
          "IsForbidden": false,
          "PartialMatch": 2,
          "PrefixBoundaries": [
          "Text": "text",
          "WildText": "wild text",
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              "Value": "value"
              "Name": "name",
              "Value": "value"
              "Name": "name",
              "Value": "value"
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          "IsForbidden": false,
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          "PrefixBoundaries": [
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              "Value": "value"
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              "Value": "value"
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              "Name": "name",
              "Value": "value"
      "CustomMetas": [
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          "Name": "name",
          "Value": "value"
          "Name": "name",
          "Value": "value"
      "Language": "ger",
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      "Id": 0,
      "NeedsModeration": true,
      "TermItems": [
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          "PrefixBoundaries": [
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              "Name": "name",
              "Value": "value"
              "Name": "name",
              "Value": "value"
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          "Example": "example",
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          "GrammarPartOfSpeech": "",
          "Id": 0,
          "IsForbidden": false,
          "PartialMatch": 2,
          "PrefixBoundaries": [
          "Text": "text",
          "WildText": "wild text",
          "CustomMetas": [
              "Name": "name",
              "Value": "value"
              "Name": "name",
              "Value": "value"
              "Name": "name",
              "Value": "value"
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          "Example": "example",
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          "IsForbidden": false,
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          "CustomMetas": [
              "Name": "name",
              "Value": "value"
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              "Value": "value"
              "Name": "name",
              "Value": "value"
      "CustomMetas": [
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          "Value": "value"
          "Name": "name",
          "Value": "value"
          "Name": "name",
          "Value": "value"
      "Language": "ger",
      "Definition": "definition",
      "Id": 0,
      "NeedsModeration": true,
      "TermItems": [
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  "Note": "note",
  "Project": "project",
  "Subject": "subject",
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      "Name": "name",
      "Value": "value"
      "Name": "name",
      "Value": "value"