Name | Type | Description | Additional information |
tmGuid | Guid | The Guid of the translation memory | |
entryId | Int32 | The id of the translation memory entry |
Name | Type | Description |
Client | String | Optional, default value: null; The client of the TM entry. |
ContextID | String | Optional, default value: null; The context id of the TM entry. |
Created | DateTime | Optional, default value: null; The creaton date of the TM entry. |
Creator | String | Optional, default value: null; The creator of the TM entry. |
CustomMetas | TMCustomMetaItem[] | Optional, default value: null; An array of the TM entry's custom meta properties. |
Name | String | Obligatory; The name of the custom meta property. |
Value | Object | Optional, default value: null; The value of the custom meta property. |
Document | String | Optional, default value: null; The document of the TM entry. |
Domain | String | Optional, default value: null; The domain of the TM entry. |
FollowingSegment | String | Optional, default value: null; The following segment of the TM entry. |
Key | Int32 | Optional, default value: 0; The key of the TM entry. |
Modified | DateTime | Obligatory; The date of the TM entry's last modification. An OptimisticConcurrencyError occurs during the update action if it does not match the existing entry's Modified parameter. |
Modifier | String | Obligatory; The last modifier of the TM entry. |
PrecedingSegment | String | Optional, default value: null; The preceding segment of the TM entry. |
Project | String | Optional, default value: null; The project of the TM entry. |
SourceSegment | String | Obligatory; The source segment of the TM entry. |
Subject | String | Optional, default value: null; The subject of the TM entry. |
TargetSegment | String | Obligatory; The target segment of the TM entry. |
{ "Created": "2015-08-28T14:02:31.22Z", "Creator": "Built-in administrator", "Modified": "2015-08-28T14:02:31.22Z", "Modifier": "Built-in administrator", "Client": "client", "ContextID": "context id", "Document": "document", "Domain": "domain", "FollowingSegment": "<seg>Following segment content.</seg>", "Key": 0, "PrecedingSegment": "<seg>Preceding segment content.</seg>", "Project": "project", "SourceSegment": "<seg>Sample segment content1.</seg>", "Subject": "subject", "TargetSegment": "<seg>Sample segment content2.</seg>", "CustomMetas": [ { "Name": "name", "Value": "value" }, { "Name": "name", "Value": "value" }, { "Name": "name", "Value": "value" } ] }