Manage quote

On this page, you can deal with one quote request sent in by one of your customers.

Depending on the status of the quote request, you can do the following:

Create a memoQ project and create the quote - this happens if you receive a manual request

Approve a quote that was created automatically - in case of automatic requests

Check on a quote and manage the corresponding memoQ project if necessary - if the quote was accepted by the customer, and the translation is underway.

How to get here

  1. Open memoQweb (legacy) in a Web browser. Log in as a project manager. Use an account that is assigned to the customer you work for.
  2. Click the Quote requests tab. The list of quote requests appears.
  3. In the quote request's row, in the Ops column, click the Open icon_open icon.

    The Manage quote page opens with the details of the quote request.

What can you do?

When you finish

To return to the list of quote requests: At the top, click the Quote requests tab.