Joining and Splitting Segments
Segmentation can sometimes go wrong
When memoQ divides the source text into segments, it is called segmentation. Because memoQ does not understand the text, all it can do is guess where a sentence ends and another starts. The basic rule is that a sentence ends where there is a period, followed by a space and a capital letter. There are exceptions, but this is how simple we must make it for the computer.
Sometimes it goes wrong:
In memoQ, you can use two commands to fix this: join and split.
Segmentation is not this bad in memoQ – after a long search, we had to make up this error to demonstrate joining and splitting.
Join two segments: press Ctrl+J
To join two segments, place the cursor in the first one, and press Ctrl+J. The two segments will become one, and if there are translations in the right-hand cells, they will be appended together, too:
Split one segment in two: press Ctrl+T
To split one segment in two, place the cursor at the place where you want to split the text, and then press Ctrl+T. (In the example, it’s best to place the cursor right after the third inline tag.) memoQ will replace the segment with two segments. If there was a translation in the target cell, it remains with the first segment: