Contacting support
A reliable support service should be the cornerstone of every company. We work hard to make ours better and better.
How to communicate support issues?
Here we outline a series of tips that can help you speed up the support process, and save you from writing multiple emails just to describe the issue you are facing, so the investigation could start.

While we are happy to help and provide assistance over social media, neither Facebook, Twitter, nor YouTube are official support channels. If you would like to receive a quick answer, please submit your case via our ticketing system.

We receive numerous support tickets per day, which is why prioritizing the severity of your issue is important for our support engineers. We work with three levels of severity: normal, urgent and critical. Please make sure you also indicate the urgency of your problem in the email's subject line, or set it properly on the web interface. This helps us prioritize your case accordingly.

The more detailed the problem description is, the easier we can identify the solution. "BIG ERROR?!!?" kind of mails without any context may end up in longer conversations, while it would have been possible to locate and fix the issue with one single e-mail exchange only. Please be as specified as possible and remember to include screenshots in your error report. If you e.g. cannot import or export a document, we will most likely ask for that very file. If possible, please attach an example file to your mail along with the bilingual document (.mqxlz format).

If you contacted support earlier and they helped resolve an issue, and now you have another problem, please do not report it by replying to the previous email, associated with the older issue. When something new comes up, please send us a new email. If you do otherwise, your issue might not get the appropriate attention, because it has the old case’s subject/Ticket ID.

When you get an error message in memoQ, it's best if you copy and paste the error message from the error box, instead of sending a screenshot of it. It is crucial that we can trace the information in our bug tracking system. If you send a screenshot of the error or attach an explanation of it, it is time-consuming, and our developers cannot track it in a time-efficient manner. Also, if there is a "More..." button on the error window, make sure to expand it, and copy/paste the whole message.

When you report something, we will attempt to reproduce it, so if there is a chance, please try to tell us the exact steps you have taken before the problem occurred. There is also a chance that the issue you are having has already been fixed. Therefore, it is very useful to indicate the memoQ version you are working with - e.g. 9.5.2. If you are working in an online project, the server’s version might be important too.

Once we solve your case, it becomes a valuable piece of information in our knowledge base that might help solve someone else’s problem in the future.
To read more about our support policy, see memoQ Translation Technology's General Terms of Service.