Frequent release policy
memoQ has a frequent release approach of memoQ. To better support predictability and planning, let us summarize the principles on support and maintenance, compatibility and versioning into one policy.

For example, in 11.0.9:
11 is the major version,
0 is the minor version,
9 is the build number.
An increase in just the build number means a maintenance release – an update that only contains bugfixes.
An increase in the minor or major version number means a feature release. A feature release contains new and updated features. Since feature releases will be quite frequent, there will be fewer maintenance releases between them.
An increase in the major version number also means that some things will not be compatible with earlier versions.

Client and server, translation
For the purposes of translation, we guarantee compatibility for one major version “ahead” and “behind”: anyone using memoQ translator pro 10.x must be able to translate projects on memoQ server 9.x or memoQ TMS 11.x. Similarly, memoQ translator pro 11.x works with memoQ TMS 10.x and will work with memoQ TMS 12.x.
Client and server, project management
Major version must be the same between memoQ TMS and memoQ project manager edition. That means you can use any 10.x version of memoQ project manager to manage projects on any 10.x version of memoQ TMS, but need a 11.x version of memoQ project manager to manage projects on any 11.x version of memoQ TMS.
Internal project and resource formats will not change “inside” a major version. For example, if memoQ Ltd. intends to introduce a new feature that requires a change in the term base format, we will not introduce it before major version 12. When version 12 comes out, the memoQ and memoQ TMS installers might migrate some resources to the new format, or a project might be migrated to the new format when you first open it.

Since memoQ introduces about 5 feature releases in a year, it would be problematical to install all of them side by side. To avoid this, memoQ 11.1 overwrites memoQ 11.0 by default, and 11.2 overwrites any of those. However, memoQ 11 installs side-by-side with the previous major version, memoQ 10.x. All of the above is just the default behavior: the user can always choose to install memoQ 11.1 or a later minor version to a different folder.

What do we mean by "supported memoQ versions"?
- Our support team only deal with issues reported on supported memoQ versions.
- Our services team only operate supported memoQ versions on memoQ TMS private cloud instances.
- memoQ TMS cloud instances are always on the latest version, so they are always supported.
- Our development team only provide bugfixes (that is, maintenance releases) for supported versions.
If a customer doesn't need any of the above, they can keep running unsupported memoQ versions if they prefer.
With the release of 9.0, we introduced a new concept: long-term support (LTS) versions. It means that every year, at a predictable, scheduled time, we will produce a feature release that will be supported for 15 months. The first such version was 9.0.
Version support follows these rules:
LTS versions are released each year, and are supported for 15 months.
The current LTS version is 10.2 (released in 2023), supported until about Q4 2024 (3 months after the next LTS version is released).
The next LTS version will be 11.2, expected in Q4 2024, and supported until late 2025.
- The latest minor version is always supported.
This means that beginning with 9.0, customers have two choices:
- Those who want to get the new features quickly, and don't mind upgrading every 3 months, can always use the latest memoQ version.
- Those who see stability more important than new features, or cannot upgrade every 3 months, can always use the LTS version. To stay on a supported version, they need to upgrade once a year. This gives them time to prepare for the upgrade, and 3 months to carry it out, after a new LTS version is released.

To get a license for any major or minor version, users need to have a valid SMA on the date when that version comes out.
Due to the frequent release cycles, several bug fixes will only get into the next minor version (feature release). This means that if your SMA expires, and your version is no longer supported, you will not receive bug fixes anymore to your latest version.
Release schedule
To help you better plan ahead with memoQ, please find here our planned release agenda for the next few months:
11.2 (LTS): Q4 2024
11.3: End of 2024
11.4: Q1 2025

As of its nature, memoQ TMS cloud has a slightly different concept. If you are a memoQ TMS cloud user, you always get the latest maintenance version of memoQ. The updates typically come in 14 days after the latest release is officially announced by memoQ Ltd.
Compatibility rules for memoQ TMS cloud are the same as for the other memoQ products.
SMA and eligibility for new version
memoQ TMS cloud subscription includes SMA, so users with a valid subscription are always eligible for using both memoQ support and the latest version of memoQ.