memoQwebtrans - Translation editor

This is the place where you can write, edit, or review the translation in memoQwebtrans. In the translation editor, you see the document in a two-column grid (divided into segments) - the source-language text in the left column, and the translation in the right column. On the right, memoQwebtrans shows the Translation results pane, where it lists matches and hints from the project's resources (translation memories, term bases, or LiveDocs corpora) for the current segment.

At the bottom, memoQwebtrans displays the View pane Document preview icon., where it shows how your translation will appear in the final translated format. You may need this to see your translation in context. There is no guarantee that the preview looks exactly like the final document or that it will be available at all. The webtrans translation editor is similar to the one in memoQ.

How to get here

  1. Sign in to memoQweb.
  2. If memoQweb does not show the webtrans page, click the webtrans webTrans icon. icon on the left sidebar.
  3. Click the project that the document belongs to, then click the document's name. It opens on a separate browser tab, in the webtrans translation editor.

Translation editor window showing translation grid with source and target columns, view pane, translation results, and all possible buttons above the translation grid to edit your translation.

What can you do?

  • Start translating:

  • Work on your document:

  • Work with segments:

    • Review your translations:

  • Use Antidote Corrector Antidote corrector icon. : It is a popular language proofing tool for English and French. You can use the Corrector to check and correct your translation even while you are working in memoQ's translation editor on the desktop or on the web.

When you finish

After you finish translating or reviewing the document, deliver it: Click the Deliver Deliver icon.  icon at the top right.

To leave the document: Close the browser tab.