AGT plugin settings

memoQ Adaptive Generative Translation (memoQ AGT) is an AI-based translation automation technology. It was designed for enterprises with extensive linguistic resources, but can also benefit LSPs.

AGT flow showing: in the orange frame, two tiles and two arrows. The first tile, on the left, says memoQ 10.4, then there's the arrow leading forward to the "AGT" tile with writing above the arrow saying "AGT Pre-trans source segment(x), TM(x), TB(x)" at the end of this process. There's also the arrow leading backward to the "memoQ 10.4" tile saying "target segment(x)". Outside of this process and the orange frame, there's the arrow saying "LLM prompt segment(x)" leading towards the "Microsoft Azure Open AI (GPT 3.5 Turbo)" tile and the arrow leading back to the process in the orange frame saying "target segment(x).

How to get here

  1. At the top of the memoQ window, click the Resource console Resource console icon. icon. The Resource console window opens.
  2. In the Server URL list, choose or type the server's address. Or, to see local resources only, choose My computer. Click the Select Select icon. button.
  3. In the left-side pane, click the MT settings MT settings icon. icon. The MT settings pane appears.
  4. For projects with more than one target language: In the top-right corner, choose a language from the Target language dropdown list if needed. Or, to use the same MT settings for all target languages, do not change the default value (All languages).
  5. Select the MT settings resource you are using, and click Edit under the list.
  6. On the Services tab, find the plugin and click its row. If it is active, click its row to open the AGT plugin settings window. If it is grayed out, click its row once to turn it on, then click it again to open the settings.

AGT plugin settings widnow with API key field to add your key, and Verify API key button below. In the bottom right corner of the screen there are OK, Cancel, and Help buttons.

What can you do?

Get access to the plugin
  1. In your browser, open the memoQ AGT website.

  2. Follow the instructions in our Help Center guide.

Set up the plugin
  1. Paste your API key into the API key field.

  2. Click the Verify API key button.

    You will now be able to use memoQ AGT in your translation projects.

When you finish

You can:

In version 10.4, memoQ AGT will only be accessible in pre-translation and will not provide suggestions in the Translation results list.