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If you want to measure the time you spent editing for machine translated documents and you want to compare this time to the actual time you would need for translation, you can enable edit time in the memoQ application menu > Options > Options > Miscellaneous. memoQ enables you to track the time you spent editing segments, and you can generate a report in Project home > Overview > Reports.

No one else can see your time measurement. This feature can help you to experiment of the post-editing vs. translation comparison, and evaluate whether it would be a good idea for you or your company to introduce machine translation post-editing as a service.

When you edit a row then this row becomes active in the translation editor, then memoQ remembers the system time, and when the row’s information is saved (which implies there was a change, even if it involved only confirming a row without editing it), the difference between the two times is recorded. It is not recorded who changed the segment. memoQ adds the value to the current edit time of the current role of the user.

If the same user role edits the segment again subsequently, the new editing time is added to the already recorded time, not overwritten.

Earlier memoQ versions than memoQ 2014 will not record edit time, it is not synchronized, and the report will not show a correct value. When you use memoQ 2014 or higher, synchronizing a new translation from the memoQ desktop application to the memoQ server will overwrite the value of the edit time in the role of the user who is sending the data on the server. Synchronizing from the server to the desktop application, edit times in roles different from the user’s current role will be overwritten on the desktop application. If there is a conflict (the segment was updated on the server by another user in the same role as that of the user from the desktop application), the higher edit time will win.

You also see the editing times if you export the document to MQXLIFF; you can gain approximate working time information from the time stamps contained in MQXLIFF documents.

Note: In memoQWeb, no time is recorded, updated or displayed for a segment.

Note: When you x-translate your document, then the previous edit time is copied to the segment when inserting an X-translated match. This is only applied when you choose the Mid-project update option in the x-translate dialog.

The editing time is displayed in the information bar in the translation grid, when enabled. You see the time for each segment.


See also:

Edit time