WorldServer XLF/XLZ files
memoQ imports XLIFF documents created by SDL WorldServer. As a rule, you won't receive these files one by one. Most of the time, they come from WorldServer (*.wsxz) packages.
WorldServer files are XLIFF documents that contain extra contents that are specific either to WorldServer or to SDL Trados Studio (SDLXLIFF).
How to get here
- Start importing a WorldServer package.
- On the second screen of the Import WorldServer package wizard, click Configure WorldServer filter.
If you import the package in an online project: The Configure WorldServer filter link will be on the fourth screen.
What can you do?

Use the General tab for this.
In the Languages section, choose how strictly memoQ should match the documents' languages with the languages of the memoQ project. Normally, memoQ is not very strict. If the main language in the WorldServer document is the same as the main language in the memoQ project, memoQ imports the text. The sublanguages can be different. But there are two other settings, too:
- Import only content where languages match project languages exactly: Click this radio button to restric the import to sections where the language pair is exactly the same as the project languages. Sections with a different sublanguage will not be imported.
- Import content where the main languages match project languages: Normally, memoQ does this. It imports sections where the main languages in the language pair are the same as the main languages of the memoQ project. If there is a difference in the sublanguages (dialects), memoQ still imports the text.
- Import all content regardless of language: Choose this radio button to import every section from the WorldServer file, regardless of the languages.
In the WorldServer document, the target language may be missing. If this is the case, you can export the translated WorldServer file where the target language is the same as the target language of the memoQ project. To do this, check the Use project target language in export if it is not specified in the original check box.
To import context into memoQ: In a WorldServer document, each segment (called translation unit) has a numeric identifier, called the trans-unit ID. Under the Context section, check the Import trans-unit ID as context ID check box. If you don't do that, memoQ won't be able to return context matches from the translation memories when you translate WorldServer documents.
To import comments: WorldServer XLIFF files may contain notes. Normally, memoQ imports these as comments. To ignore them, clear the Import notes as comments check box.
To export comments: When you work on a document in memoQ, you may add more comments. Normally, memoQ exports them back to the translated WorldServer documents as comments. However, if you want to leave the original notes intact, click the Don't change the original note radio button.

To configure the filter for WorldServer XLF documents, click the XLF config tab.

On the XLF config tab, click the Advanced tab.
Normally, memoQ imports the segments that are marked in the XLF file as not to be translated. These segments will be locked. However, if it's necessary, you can unlock them and change them.
To ignore segments that are marked as not to be translated: Click the Do not import radio button.

memoQ can read the segment states from the XLF documents, and translate (map) them into memoQ segment statuses that you can see in the translation editor.
XLIFF states are translated (mapped) into memoQ segment statuses: To view and change the actual mapping, click the XLF config tab, and then the Import tab.
The screenshot shows how memoQ normally imports the segment states from the WorldServer XLF files. The list shows how XLIFF states are translated into memoQ segment status codes when memoQ imports an XLIFF document.
To change the mapping: In one of the drop-down lists next to an XLIFF state, choose a different memoQ status code.
If the XLIFF document has a state value that is not on the list, you can add it. At the bottom of the list, click Add. The New XLIFF state mapping window appears:
Type the state label in the Value in XLIFF "state" attribute box. From the memoQ segment status drop-down box, choose a corresponding memoQ segment status value. You can choose from Not started, Translator confirmed, Reviewer 1 confirmed, Reviewer 2 confirmed, Fragments, Edited, Pre-translated, Rejected or Machine Translated. To add the mapping, click OK.
You can delete a mapping: Click the mapping. Click Remove.
Caution: memoQ will not ask for confirmation.
You can make segments with high match rates confirmed in memoQ: If a segment has an exact (100%) or a context (ICE) match in the WorldServer file, you can make them confirmed when memoQ imports them. Choose a confirmed status from the ICE matches or the 100% matches drop-down box. To lock these segments as well, check the Locked check box next to each drop-down box.

On the XLF config tab, click the Export tab.
When you work on the documents in memoQ, segment statuses will change. They must be converted back when the translated WorldServer document is exported. Normally, memoQ will do this, and if the descriptive details of a segment change, they are also saved to the exported document.
In the exported document, memoQ also indicates if a segment is locked or unlocked.
Normally, memoQ does not export the match rates of translation memory or corpus matches that were inserted in the segments.
In the Export section, you can set an XLF state attribute for each memoQ segment status value. The screenshot shows how memoQ normally exports the statuses.
- To change the XLIFF state label: Click the label next to the segment status. Type a new XLIFF state label. Press Enter or click away from the cell. You cannot add new export mappings because the segment status codes are hard-coded in memoQ. Change this only if you know that the WorldServer system uses the same states as the ones you are entering.
- To leave the original segment status unchanged in the exported document: Clear the Map states of modified segments to workflow statuses check box.
- To export the match rates for matches that were inserted in memoQ: Check the Export match rate of inserted matches check box.

WorldServer packages may contain standard SDLXLIFF files. This is why the settings of the SDLXLIFF filter are there on the WorldServer filter settings window.
To configure the filter for SDLXLIFF documents, click the SDLXLIFF tab.
To learn how you can import and export SDLXLIFF segment states into and from memoQ: See the Get segment statuses section of the Help page on the SDLXLIFF filter.
To learn how you can import certain SDLXLIFF status details as memoQ comments: See the Import certain status information as memoQ comments section of the Help page on the SDLXLIFF filter.
When you finish
To save the settings, and return to the Import WorldServer package wizard: Click OK.
To return to the Import WorldServer package wizard, and not save the settings: Click Cancel.