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Filter properties

In this window, you can set up a filter for translation memories based on their meta-information fields. These filters are used to discard or penalize translation memory matches that are returned for a segment while you're working on a translation.

Filtering of translation memory matches works like this:

  1. You are using one or more translation memories in your project. Each translation memory has a set of descriptive fields, and each translation unit in a translation memory has values for these descriptive fields.
  2. You also use one TM settings profile in your project. This TM settings profile may contain strict or soft filters for the translation memory matches. The filters set conditions for the descriptive fields.
  3. You translate the documents in your project segment by segment. When the translation memories return suggestions (translation units) for a segment, memoQ checks if the descriptive fields of the suggestions match the conditions of the filters in the TM settings profile. If they do, the suggestion is either discarded from the list (if it matches a strict filter), or its match rate is lowered by a penalty value (if it matches a soft filter).

    In the Filter properties window, you can set up one strict or one soft filter.

You can also use a filter like this when you're editing a translation memory. In this case, the filter will tell memoQ which entries to show. The list will contain the entries that actually match the filter.

How to get here

  1. Start editing a TM settings profile from the Resource console or from the Settings pane of Project home.
  2. In the Edit TM settings window, click the Filters tab.
  3. Under Strict filters or under Soft filters, click Add. Or, select a filter, then click Edit.


  4. Start editing a translation memory.
  5. In the Filtering and sorting window, click Custom fields.
  6. The filter you set up here filters the list in the translation memory editor.

If you are already editing the translation memory: On the Translation memory editor ribbon, click Filter/sort. In the Filtering and sorting window, click Custom fields.

What can you do?

A filter is put together from conditions. A condition is an expression that compares a meta-information field to a specific value. The filter connects the conditions using the AND relationship, which means that a translation unit matches the filter if its meta-information fields meet all conditions in the filter. If there is one condition that does not match, the entire filter does not match.

Because a TM settings profile is not connected to any particular translation memories, you cannot choose the name of the meta-information field from a list: you need to type the name of each field.

To set up a condition, you need to:

  • Specify the name of the meta-information field you are checking.
  • Set the type of the field.
  • Choose a condition type.
  • Specify a value or a set of values to which you want to compare the field.

    To set up one condition:

After you specify all four details for a condition, add it to the filter: Click Add.

To modify an existing condition: Select it in the list at the top of the window. Click Change. memoQ copies the details to the condition boxes.

To remove a condition: Select it in the list at the top of the window. Click Remove.

If you are editing a soft filter, specify a penalty: You will see the Penalty box, too. In this box, type the penalty value (0%-99%) that you want to apply to matches (translation units) that match this filter.

When you finish

To save the filter, and return to the Edit TM settings or to the Filtering and sorting window: Click OK.

To return to the Edit TM settings or to the Filtering and sorting window, and not save the filter: Click Cancel.