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Import Star Transit™ package

memoQ can import projects generated by STAR Transit™ XV and STAR Transit™ NXT. You can work on projects from STAR Transit™. You receive STAR Transit™ projects in compressed files that have the .pxf or the .ppf extension. memoQ can import these as complete projects. You can work on the documents in the project as if they were memoQ documents.

A Transit package contains one or more documents for translation, as well as reference materials from previously translated documents. Transit does not use a "classic" translation memory. Instead, it reads the previously translated documents directly. When memoQ imports a Transit package, it can import Transit reference materials into a translation memory. The segment statuses and other meta-information in documents are mapped to their memoQ equivalents, and converted back at export. Transit packages may also contain terminology data.

After a Transit package is imported into memoQ, the project appears in Project home. Documents are listed on the Translations pane as usual.

When translation is finished, you can export a return package. You can send the package back to your client, who can process it in their copy of Transit.

memoQ can also export a forward package, which saves .pxf or .ppf files. You can send a forward package to a reviewer directly, without having to involve the project manager. The forward package contains all contents of the original package.

How to get here

To import a STAR Transit™ package into a local project:

  1. Save the STAR Transit™ package file to your Documents folder. (Or, use any other folder that you can easily open.)

    If you are using the project manager edition of memoQ: At the top of the Dashboard, from the server selector, choose My Computer.

  2. On the Project ribbon, click Import package.
  3. An Open window opens. Find the folder where the package file is, and double-click the file. The Import Transit package wizard starts.

To import a STAR Transit™ package into an online project:

  1. Save the STAR Transit™ package file to your Documents folder. (Or, use any other folder that you can easily open.)
  2. At the top of the Dashboard, from the server selector, choose or type the address of the server where you want to import the package.

    You may need to log in: If you access this server for the first time, the Log in to server window opens. You need a user name and a password to access the server.

  3. On the Project ribbon, click Import package.
  4. An Open window opens. Find the folder where the package file is, and double-click the file. The Import Transit package wizard starts. This time it looks like the Publish project wizard.

What can you do?

Import a STAR Transit™ package into a local project

To switch to an online project: On any screen, click the Create project online button. Note that you need memoQ project manager edition to work with online projects.

Import a STAR Transit™ package into an online project

Importing a Transit package into an online project is similar to publishing a local memoQ project to a memoQ server.

Project manager edition required: To import a Transit package into an online project, you need the project manager edition of memoQ.

Before you import a Transit package into an online project, make sure you have access to the memoQ server, and you belong to the Project managers or the Administrators group.

To switch to a local project: On any screen, click the Create project locally button.

When you finish

To import the STAR Transit™ project: Click Finish.

To return to the Dashboard, and not import the package: Click Cancel.

When the translation is finished

To export a Transit package from a local project: Open the project. On the Documents ribbon, click the arrow below Export. From the menu, choose Export Transit package or Export (stored path). When you use Export (stored path), memoQ exports the delivery package (*.txf file) with the selected documents only.

To export a Transit package from an online project: Open the project for management. In the memoQ online project window, choose Translations. Under the list, click Export Transit package.

See also: Export Transit project