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Options: TM plugins

memoQ can connect to public translation memory services over the internet. These offer federated content, which means that the service is maintained by a group of organizations or a community. In both cases, members share some of the translation memory contents they own. In a federated translation memory service, some content is always available free of charge. Some other parts of the contents are offered on a subscription basis.

memoQ can use these services similarly to online translation memories. Currently, three services are supported: myMemory, TAUS TDA, and TMXMall from China.

When you work in the translation editor, memoQ can offer exact and fuzzy matches from these services. You will get regular matches: the technical difference is that memoQ retrieves these matches over the network, by means of service-specific plugins. The myMemory and TAUS plugins are always pre-installed with memoQ.

No matches guaranteed: If you do not receive a match, it does not mean an error. It is more likely that the external service has no match for your current segment.

Another plugin lets you use translation memories on a Wordfast server just like they were memoQ TM's.

How to get here

  1. Open the Options window: At the very top of the memoQ window - in the Quick Access toolbar -, click the Options (cogwheels) icon. The Options window opens.
  2. Under Category, click TM plugins. The TM plugins pane appears.

What can you do?

See also: Help for MyMemory settings; Help for TAUS settings; Help for Tmxmall settings; Help for Wordfast settings.

You may need to register to access most of the contents: You may need to register with a translation memory portal before you can use it in memoQ. You cannot register from within memoQ: open the  translation memory portal in your web browser instead. Built-in plugins connect to (myMemory) and (TAUS).

User account needed to access Wordfast TMs: You need to tell memoQ the address of the Wordfast server which stores the translation memories. You also need a user name and a password to log in to the server.

When you finish

To save the settings and return to memoQ: Click OK.

To save the settings and remain in the Options window: Click Apply.

To return to memoQ without making changes: Click Cancel.