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Term extraction editor

When you extract terms from the source documents, translation memories or LiveDocs corpora in your project, memoQ displays the candidate list in a candidate list editor tab. In this tab, you can clean up, filter, edit, and reconfigure the candidate list. You can also confirm candidates that will be added to a term base created from the candidate list.

In the candidate list editor, memoQ shows the list of term candidates that belong to one term extraction session. This list is saved in a project.

How to get here

  1. Create or open a project.

    Add text before you run term extraction: The project needs to have the text to process. The text can be in project documents, translation memories, or LiveDocs corpora.

  2. In the project, import the documents, or add the translation memories and LiveDocs corpora you need.

    memoQ can use existing term bases to help with term extraction: Before you run term extraction, add those term bases to the project, too.

  3. On the Preparation ribbon, click the Extract Terms icon. The Extract candidates window opens.

If this is not the first time you run term extraction in this project: The Extract terms window opens first. If you're sure you need to run a new round of term extraction, click Start new session. To learn more, see the Help page about the Extract terms window.

memoQ extracts the candidates from the documents, and opens the candidate list editor automatically


What can you do?

When you finish

To switch to another tab: Press Ctrl+Tab (You can also click the other tab.)

To close the candidate list editor tab: Click the Close button or press Ctrl+F4.