This topic is for memoQ 9.1. Have an older version? Click here.

Change segment status

If a document had a lot of accidental changes, you need to change the segments back to an earlier status - to make pre-translation work correctly, to get accurate numbers from Statistics, or in a progress report. For example, you need to change the status of segments if they were accidentally confirmed after pre-translation.

You need this if Undo is not possible. But Undo doesn't work if you close memoQ - or the document - in the meantime.

You can change a segment back to Not started, Edited, or Pre-translated.

How to get here

Open a project. You can also open a document in the translation editor. On the Preparation ribbon, click Change Segment Status.

You have more when you edit a document: This screenshot shows the Change segment status window that opens while you edit a document.

What can you do?

When you finish

To finish changing the status of segments: Click OK.

To return to the translation editor or to Project home: Click Cancel.