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In the translation grid, you can edit the contents of a translation document manually. Translation documents, however, often contain a multitude of segments and may be hard to navigate. You can make your job easier by creating views of filtered or sorted segments from the selected translation documents. After creation, these views can be opened from the Views tab in the Translations pane of Project home.

Using views is different from the on-the-fly filtering and sorting that is done with a document in the main translation grid. A view is always static – it has a name and it can be re-opened any time, can be exported or imported as though it were a separate file, can be assigned to a translator, etc. In contrast, the results list of on-the-fly filtering are not a separate entity, and so are available to you only temporarily. With on-the-fly filtering, when you close the project, you lose the filtered list. If you need the filtered results again, you would have to run the on-the-fly filter again.

Scenarios with views

When you need to translate a web site, it usually comes in the form of hundreds or thousands of small files, often with one or two segments to translate. If the translator is assigned a hundred files, and needs to open and close each and every one of them, the translation work will be much slower that it could be.

The remedy for this situation is gluing the small files together. In memoQ, you can select any number of documents, and create a single view of them. The view will then behave like a single document, eliminating the need to open and close the original documents. The contents of the original documents follow each other in the order they appear in the Translations list. The view can be saved in a bilingual file, and transferred to another computer – for example, as part of a handoff package.

On the other hand, when you need to translate a book with long chapters, there can be chapters that are far too long for a single translator to treat in the available time.

If this is the case, you can split up long documents. You can create a view from a part of a document. In the Translations list, you select one document, then start creating a view. In the Create view dialog, you can specify a starting and an ending segment number – this how you specify what part of the document you want in the new view. For example, you can create a view from segment 1,500 to 3,000 from a document of 4,500 segments.

With a single Create view operation, you can extract one portion from the document. If you want to create multiple views from a single document, you need to repeat the Create view command as many times as the number of views you are creating.

Reviewing or preparing a translation: selecting segments of interest

When you are reviewing a translation project, you might need specific segments from across the project. Here are some examples:

  1. You are adapting an earlier translation to a newer version of the same text. The new version has been pre-translated with a translation memory of the earlier translation. Most segments have 100% or 101% matches, and you choose not to review these in the preparation phase. On the other hand, you want to review those segments that received a fuzzy match. You select all documents in your project, then start creating a view. In the Create view window, you can tell memoQ to include all segments with a fuzzy match from all documents in the project.
  2. You want to correct formatting tag errors in the whole project. You can create a view to include all segments that have a formatting tag error.
  3. You are reviewing the translation, and you want to correct specific terms and phrases. You cannot simply replace them using Find and replace. There are two ways to do this:
  1. In the Create view window, you can list phrases to filter for in both the source and target cells. memoQ will include those segments that contain at least one of the phrases listed.
  2. You can use Find and replace to mark all segments where the problem phrases occur. Then, in the Create view window, you can instruct memoQ to include segments that were marked by Find and replace.