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Create view (filtering and sorting)

You use a view when it's not practical to go through the project document by document. With a view, you can look at segments that have something special in common. Some examples:

  • Repeated segments
  • Segments that contain certain words or expressions
  • Segments that were not translated
  • Segments that were confirmed by a translator
  • Segments that contain certain tags

    You can set many more conditions to filter the segments in your project.

When memoQ creates a view, it pulls together all segments from all documents, and filters them by the conditions you set. The view appears on the Views tab.

You can open a view for translation just like a normal document. You edit the translation in the same translation editor.

A view does not copy segments from the documents of the project. It really is a view only. Every segment in a view comes from a document. When you change a segment, the change is saved to the original document, too.

In a project, the view appears in the Translations pane of Project home, but on the Views tab. It isn't mixed up with the documents.

For example: You want to translate repeated segments separately. You create a view of the repeated segments, and translate them. Then the translations of the repeated segments appear in the documents, too. Then you can assign different translators to translate the rest.

Local projects only: You can't create views in online projects. If you need a view in an online project: Create a local project. Create the view. Assign users to the view. Publish the project. In the Publish project wizard, choose to publish views that are assigned. Or, choose to publish views only. Caution: In the online project, the views appear as regular documents. The original documents aren't updated automatically. To update the original documents: Download the view in a bilingual document, and update the view in the original local project.

How to get here

  1. Open a local project. In Project home, choose Translations.
  2. On the Documents tab, select one or more documents. memoQ uses the segments from the selected documents.
  3. On the Documents ribbon, click Create view. The Create view window appears, in a simplified form.
  4. At the bottom of the window, click Advanced options.

What can you do?

Before anything else, give the view a name: Type a name in the Name of the view text box.

A view is static: memoQ checks the filtering conditions only when it creates the view. If the status of the segment changes later, it won't go away from the view. Let's say you create a view of edited segments. After the view is created, one of these segments is confirmed. It's no longer Edited, but because memoQ doesn't check the status after the view is created, it stays in the view.

When you finish

To create the view, and open the Views tab in Translations: Click OK.

To return to the Documents tab of Translations, and not create the view: Click Cancel.

Possible next steps