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CMS Dashboard: Workflows

This page lets you view and manage the workflows used on the various CMS connections.

How to get here

  1. Start memoQ and sign in to a server.
  2. In the Project ribbon's Manage Project section, click the CMS Dashboard button.
  3. The CMS Dashboard window opens, with the Jobs tab active.
  4. Click the Workflow automation tab.

What can you do?

To switch to a different server: At the top right of the window, open the memoQ server dropdown, choose a server, and click the check mark button at its right.

To see workflows for a CMS connection: Under Choose CMS connection, choose a CMS connection. The list of workflows appear under Automated workflows.

To add a new workflow to a connection:

  1. Under Choose CMS connection, choose a CMS connection.
  2. Under the Automated workflows list, click Add new workflow.
  3. Fill in the fields under Workflow details:
    • Type a name for the new workflow.
    • Choose its Source language.
    • Add Target language(s) as needed.
    • Choose the Project template you want to use.
    • To view information about the selected project template: click the links under Project template:
    • Naming patterns and hints shows how the project resources are named, and gives tips about how you should set them.
    • Review template settings opens the Template overview window.
    • Select a Project manager for the projects created with this workflow.
    • If the template has the Deliver to CMS automated action, the Delivery of completed jobs field shows when this action will occur.
  4. To create the workflow: Click Save. To not create the workflow: Click Cancel.

    To view or edit details of a workflow: Under Automated workflows, select a workflow. Change the details as needed and click Save.

To delete a workflow: Under Automated workflows, select a workflow. Click Delete selected workflow, and confirm the action.

When you finish

To return to the PM Dashboard: click Close.