This topic is for memoQ 9.1. Have an older version? Click here.

Create new filter configuration (with embedded objects)

A filter configuration tells memoQ how to read - import - a document that needs to be translated.

To learn more in general: See the main topic about creating a filter configuration.

Complex documents - especially DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX files in Microsoft Office - can have embedded objects. For example, in a Word document, there may be an embedded Excel worksheet with a report. memoQ can import these documents together with the embedded documents. After the import, the main documents and the embedded documents all appear in the project.

ZIP packages have files inside, too. memoQ does not import the zip file, only the embedded files.

When you import a document, memoQ can simply import all embedded objects with the default settings. You can choose this in the Document import options window.

To have more options, create a composite filter configuration. You need to prepare this in the Resource console: you cannot do it while importing documents.

memoQ supports the import of embedded objects from ZIP packages and MS Office files (versions 2007 and newer: DOCX, XLSX, PPTX). The embedded files themselves can be of any format which is supported both by memoQ and MS Office (this includes, besides MS Office formats, HTML, XML and PDF, and image formats). From ZIP packages, memoQ can import any single-language document it supports.

From Word, Excel, or PowerPoint documents, memoQ can import embedded files if they are:

  • Image files
  • Microsoft Excel documents (old and new)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint presentations (old and new)
  • Microsoft Word documents (old and new)

From ZIP packages, memoQ can import any document it supports, if they are not:

  • Multilingual Excel and XML files
  • Bilingual formats of CAT tools (for example, MQXLZ, SDLXLIFF, TTX, TXML, WSXZ, XLZ, XLF, XLIFF, XLIFFDOC)
  • Comma-delimited (CSV) and tab-delimited (TSV) files
  • Adobe InDesign's INDD files
  • Further ZIP files inside a ZIP package.

You can choose a special configuration for each type of embedded document.

How to get here

Open the Resource Console. Choose Filter configurations. Under the list, click Create new filter for embedded documents.

You cannot do this from a project or an online project: When you import documents with options, you can check the Import embedded documents check box. But then memoQ imports those documents with default settings.

Office files: memoQ can import embedded images and other Office files

ZIP files: memoQ can import any file format it can handle (see exceptions above)

What can you do?

When you finish

To create the filter configuration: Click OK.

To return to the Resource Console, and not create a filter configuration: Click Cancel.