This topic is for memoQ 9.1. Have an older version? Click here.

Export (LiveDocs documents) to TM

With this command, you can export alignment pairs or bilingual documents from a LiveDocs corpus into a translation memory.

In principle, you can get the same kinds of matches from LiveDocs corpora and from translation memory. But in some cases, you may prefer to use translation memories because you have more options to filter the contents and check quality. In addition, a translation memory usually occupies less disk space than a LiveDocs corpus that contains the same segment pairs.

Both aligned document pairs and bilingual documents contain segment pairs. memoQ can add these directly to translation memories.

How to get here

  1. Open a project. Or, open an online project for management, and check out a local copy.
  2. In Project home, choose LiveDocs.
  3. Make sure there is at least one translation memory in the project.
  4. In the upper list, check the check box before the name of the LiveDocs corpus you need to export. This adds the corpus to the project. You need to do this; otherwise you can't click Export to TM.
  5. At the bottom, memoQ lists the documents and document pairs from the selected LiveDocs corpus.
  6. Select the documents and document pairs you want to export to a translation memory. To select several documents: Press and hold down Ctrl, then click the name of each document or document pair.
  7. On the LiveDocs ribbon, click Export to TM.

The Export to TM window opens.

What can you do?

When you finish

To start exporting the segment pairs to the translation memories: Click OK. After the export is done, you may need to click Close in the progress window.

To return to the LiveDocs page, and not export segment pairs: Click Cancel.