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memoQ online project - Reports pane

The Reports pane of the memoQ online project window shows various reports about the project.

  • A progress report is an overview how much of a project is done. It gives you a breakdown by segment status. In a multilingual project, you can run a progress report for all target languages or a single target language.
  • An analysis report counts words, characters, and segments in the source text of the whole project. Looks up every segment in the translation memories and LiveDocs corpora, and counts the different types of matches. You run this report when you prepare a project. It is often run automatically, especially from projects created from a template.
  • A post-translation analysis (PTA) report shows savings that you have achieved on TM and LiveDocs match rates – after translation is complete. Normal analysis "predicts" how much you could save on translation memory matches. Post-translation analysis gives you the actual savings. Post-translation analysis is for finding out how much each translator can bill. You run this report after a project is delivered, or when at least one translator delivered all their work.
  • An edit distance report shows how much work was done on a project - by a translator or a reviewer. It doesn't show the time spent on the project. For that, there is the editing time report. An edit distance report shows how much existing translations had to be changed.
  • A reviewer change report shows how much a reviewer edited the documents with tracked changes turned on.

    memoQ can generate several reports of the same type. When the project changes, you can get new reports that show the most up-to-date status of the project.

Requires memoQ project manager: You need the project manager edition of memoQ to manage online projects.

You need to be a project manager or an administrator: You may manage online projects only if you are a member of the Project managers or Administrators group on the memoQ server – or if you have the Project manager role in the project.

How to get here

First, open an online project for management:

  1. On the project management dashboard, locate the project you need to manage. Search for the project if necessary.
  2. Click the name of the project.
  3. On the Project ribbon, click Manage. A new memoQ online project window opens. In most cases, the Translations pane appears automatically.

    Then, choose Reports:

  4. On the left, click the Reports icon. The Reports pane appears.

What can you do?

To get a report on one document or two, go to Translations: In the memoQ online project window, choose Translations. Select a document. Below the list, click History/reports. In the History and reports window, click the Reports tab.

When you finish

To make changes to the documents, resources, or settings or the project, or to see reports, choose another pane:

Or, to return to Project home or to the Dashboard: Close the memoQ online project window. Before that, make sure you save your changes.

Switch windows: You can open several online projects for management. Each online project opens in a separate window. To switch between them and the Dashboard or Project home (if you have a local project open): press and hold down Alt, and press Tab a few times until you get to the window you want. Or: On the Windows taskbar, click the memoQ icon, and then click the window you want to switch to.