This topic is for memoQ 9.1. Have an older version? Click here.

New corpus

The New corpus window opens when you create a new LiveDocs corpus in memoQ.

memoQ's LiveDocs technology allows you to reuse existing translations without going through a translation memory. You can also use it to add background material to the project.

A LiveDocs corpus is a collection of documents. It can contain monolingual documents, bilingual documents, as well as aligned document pairs.

memoQ can look up phrases and segments in a LiveDocs corpus in the same way as in a translation memory.

Empty corpus: The new LiveDocs corpus you create will not contain any documents or document pairs. You will be able to add documents to it, from a project or from the Resource Console. To learn how to add documents to a LiveDocs corpus, see Help about the LiveDocs pane of Project home.

Lookups are controlled through LiveDocs settings: To learn how memoQ searches for segments in a LiveDocs corpus, see Help about editing a LQA model.

LiveDocs corpora work with all languages: An empty LiveDocs corpus has no languages. You can add documents and document pairs of any language. A LiveDocs corpus offers matches in all the languages of the documents in it.

How to get here

Open the Resource Console. Choose LiveDocs. Under the list, click Create new.

From a project: Open a project. In Project home, choose Livedocs. On the LiveDocs ribbon, click Create/Use New. This command creates the LiveDocs corpus, and adds it to the project.

From an online project: Open an online project for management. In the memoQ online project window, choose Livedocs. On the LiveDocs ribbon, click Create/use new. This command creates the LiveDocs corpus, and adds it to the project.

If My Computer is selected in Resource Console or at the top of the memoQ window

If a memoQ server is selected in Resource Console or at the top of the memoQ window - even if you come from a local project


What can you do?

When you finish

To create the LiveDocs corpus: Click OK.

To return to the Resource Console or to Project home, and not create a LiveDocs corpus: Click Cancel.