Options - Appearance
Under Appearance, you can make the translation editor and the Translation results list more readable. You can change the font face, the font size, and the colors that memoQ uses in those places.
This is the place to change the language of memoQ. You also start here to customize the ribbons.
How to get here
- Open the Options window: At the very top of the memoQ window - in the Quick Access toolbar
-, click the Options (cogwheels)
icon. The Options window opens.
- Under Category, click Appearance. The Appearance pane appears.
What can you do?
Change the language of memoQ: From the User interface language drop-down box, choose another language.
Restart after changing language: To start using memoQ in the new language: Close memoQ, and open it again.
Customize the ribbons: At the top right, click the Customize the ribbon button. The Customize the memoQ ribbon window opens. You can add or remove icons on the Quick Access toolbar, as well as on the Quick Access and the Workflow ribbons.
When you finish
To save the settings and return to memoQ: Click OK.
To save the settings and remain in the Options window: Click Apply.
To return to memoQ without making changes: Click Cancel.