Ribbons - View
The View ribbon appears when a local project is open in Project home. Some icons work only when you are working on a document in the translation editor.

These settings work when you are working on a document in the translation editor.
Current layout: Switches to a different layout, or resets the current one. Opens a menu:
- Reset Current: If you change the memoQ window layout unintentionally or too much, this command will restore the defaults of the currently selected layout (Default or Results On Top). Warning: Panes moved to other screens will be docked back into the memoQ main window.
- Switch to Next Layout: Changes the layout to Default if you are in Results On Top, or to Results On Top if you are in Default. Shortcut key: F11.
- Default: Switches to the default layout: Translation results appear on the right.
- Results On Top: Puts the translation results at the top of the window.
Active Row: Allows you to choose where the current row should be in the translation editor. Opens a menu:
- Anywhere: The current row can be anywhere on the screen, at the top, at the bottom, near the middle - as necessary. You can move up and down on the screen. This is the normal setting.
- In The Middle (Left/Right): The current row will always be in the middle. When you go up or down, the editor will scroll, and the current segment will always remain in the middle.
- In The Middle (Horizontal): The current row will always be in the middle. Not always that: the target cell will appear below the source cell, not next to it. This is the horizontal editing option.

Show Highlights: Turns the highlighting of terms on and off. Normally, it is turned on (there is no reason to turn it off).
Tooltips For Marked Text: Normally, memoQ shows tooltips for text that you have marked or highlighted. Click this icon to turn this off, or to turn it back on again.
On-the-fly Spelling: Normally, memoQ will check spelling and grammar while you type, using red and blue underlines. Click this icon to turn this off, or to turn it back on again. For more options about spelling: Open Options, and choose Spelling and grammar.

View Pane: Works only when you are working on a document in the translation editor. Turns the View pane off and on. Normally, it is turned on. To choose what appears in the View pane: Under the icon, click the View Pane label. A menu appears:
- Switch Pane Content: Switches the next content type that the View pane can show. It is one of these: HTML Preview, Review, or Active Comments.
- HTML Preview: Switches to the formatted preview of the current document, if it is available.
- Review: Shows the LQA errors and the QA warnings for the current segment. You can ignore, correct, or edit those.
- Active Comments: Shows the comments and discussions for the current segment.
Tabs: Click this to switch to another editor tab on the memoQ main window. Choose the other editor tab from a menu.
Project home: Switch to a pane of project home. Choose from a menu:
To learn more: See Help about Project Home.
Customize the Ribbon: Starts customizing the ribbons that can be customized (Quick Access, Quick Access Toolbar, Online Project Workflow, and Workflow). Opens the Customize the memoQ ribbon window.