Translation memory properties

In the Translation memory properties window, you can change some of the details of an existing translation memory.

You can change the name and the descriptive details of the translation memory; you can make it read-only; you can save document names in new entries (or stop saving them). You can also check the number of entries or the path where the files of the translation memory are. In addition, you can add, remove, or change custom fields.

You cannot change the languages of the translation memory. You cannot change the way the translation memory stores context.

To learn more about setting up translation memories: See Help about the New translation memory window.

How to get here

  1. Open a project. In Project home, choose Translation memories.

    From the Resource console: Open the Resource console. Choose Translation memories.

    From an online project: As a project manager, you can open an online project for management. In the memoQ online project window, choose Translation memories.

  2. Right-click the name of the translation memory you need to change. From the menu, choose Properties.

    The Translation memory properties window opens.


If you open the Translation memory properties window from the translation memory editor, it is read-only and cannot change the values.

What can you do?

To protect the translation memory against accidental changes: Check the Read-only check box. memoQ won't let anyone make changes to it - until you clear the Read-only check box in the Properties window for the translation memory.

When you finish

To save changes to the translation memory: Click OK.

To return to the Resource Console or to Project home without saving changes: Click Cancel.